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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Put teen girl hysteria to the side, act somewhat adult-ish, and you’ll be fine.
  2. And to think you told us he is mentally fit just a couple days ago…
  3. I don’t know about anyone else but I would be absolutely shocked if there were any leaks among the power players of the world. Your world is turning backwards today. Get a grip.
  4. You watched last night. Why are you imagining he’s making any decisions? Biden doesn’t let anyone do anything. He’s not capable.
  5. I would love to hear one of the resident lefties refute these thoughts. Preferably with hysteria set to the side. Where is Rubin wrong?
  6. He initially said a thousand TRILLIONAIRES. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  7. Did you expect Joe to do better? If so, why? What have you seen from him that would lead you to think so?
  8. My question, and there’s really only one poster here that can answer it, did Biden lie about these things or did he just make stuff up?
  9. Something for Tiberius to hold on to.
  10. Nobody likes either of them. I just enjoy you being so horrendously wrong with your “analysis”. And now you won’t even own it! Sad!
  11. I don’t know, man. You posted the same idiot claims repeatedly about how it was going to go down. You must feel like a dipsh*t.
  12. How are you doing? Your pre-debate posts made you seem fairly confident. Do you feel like a dumbass now? You absolutely should.
  13. Who will be the first to say in the post-game “the president was in command of the facts”?
  14. You’re on fire tonight. In the absence of Tiberius and Billstime, you have carried the torch admirably.
  15. Your desire for censorship requires nuance. Who will provide that? A Nina Jankowicz type?
  16. So your red line on censorship is somewhere in the neighborhood of depends, no, and yes. You really covered the bases there. Solid.
  17. So, only the most virulent antisemitic comments. Does “from the river to the sea” qualify? If not, why not?
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