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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I’m sure it’s been longer than 4 hours now. Tiberius, please call a doctor.
  2. Indeed. I have a chunky 60yo white guy relative that shows up at holidays. He’s a fabulist that tells easily disproven tales meant to make himself seem bigger in life. Nobody can stand being around him.
  3. Sturgeon must not realize that Coach fessed up on national tv about his own issues with grammar.
  4. You seem more emotional than normal. Must be season-opener jitters.
  5. This week’s talking points for a couple of the board’s more emotional lefties: 1. illegal photo op 2. imagery lol at the hysteria
  6. She seems extraordinarily weak. It’s a shame Trump is her opponent. Anyone else would crush her.
  7. “So much for genius”. Are you familiar with SpaceX? You should educate yourself on what they do. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
  8. On one hand, he’s mentally fit for the presidency. On the other, he’s aged out of the public part of the job. good heavens
  9. The second paragraph from the NYT paints a slightly different picture than the WaPo. Who knows?
  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/23/emhoff-harris-sex-symbol/ We live in an era where The Second Gentleman, the one that knocked up his nanny, is considered a sex symbol. How is a young guy supposed to compete?
  11. Implied and outright stated are basically the same thing, right? Welker should go with the “my grammar isn’t always correct” routine.
  12. Profile in courage. Also instantly likable and relatable I’ve been told. Downside - grammar so poor that he frequently sounds like a liar.
  13. You come off as a more malignant version of Tiberius. That’s quite a feat. Kudos.
  14. How so? Got link for “Trump staged this event”? Or is it more a bogeyman situation for you?
  15. At least they weren’t spreading Covid outdoors though they are not doing their part and staying 6 ft apart. Embarrassing. Disgraceful.
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