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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You believe the bolded is him correcting himself?
  2. Incorrect. Nothing elite at all. Tiberius has more depth as a thinker than 4th does. So now you are a biologist?
  3. Plus, as you recently opined, he’s mentally fit and people are wrong to be concerned with his physical frailty. Having Kamala in the on-deck circle is equally reassuring. Your “anyone but Trump” position is understandable and it’s all you ever had to say. Instead you would rather we believe what you and the reliable mainstream media have fed us all along the way. Stability, progress, and growth. His has truly been a remarkable presidency. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  4. The dude won’t acknowledge the existence of his own flesh and blood. Decent person? Words don’t mean what they used to.
  5. This is a difficult time for you but we will get through this together. Don’t despair. I hope you’re not afraid of tough love.
  6. The debate upside for the lefties that post here - this has been a good day and a half to get chores done and possibly go outside. Not much reason to be wasting time on the internet right now. Hang in there, gang!
  7. Your post-debate performance has been quite feeble. You have spent a fair amount of time on this board rationalizing for Joe. Do you feel let down?
  8. Zero point in doing so. He’s crazy if he doesn’t pull out of the next and frame it as a kindness to Joe.
  9. You’ve got this big guy! We’ve all been where you are. It hurts when we get let down.
  10. I did and quite clearly I was wrong. The cortisone shot didn’t even help him.
  11. Everyone knows Trumps lies/makes things up. Not sure of the difference but apparently there is one. Meanwhile, the more delusional lefties here and the vast majority of the “reliable” mainstream media would have us believe that Joe Biden, a guy that hasn’t found a lie he won’t tell over 50 years in Washington, is a fundamentally decent man. Why do those people want anyone to buy such nonsense?
  12. It didn’t and now you are just lying to save face. Weird.
  13. It’s unclear if they were lies. Some believe he may have just been making things up.
  14. You eventually got there after you “dared” me to show offensive tweets by the Supreme Leader. Good for you. It’s ok that you don’t remember that part. You are under a lot of strain.
  15. Yesterday you were acting as though Khameni was a pussycat compared to some idiot on twitter. You should consider taking a break.
  16. But desire more. And once they get it, a little more. So on and so forth.
  17. All my best to you and your loved ones as you morph into billstime. Please up your meme game. You only need about five that you can use over and over and over and…
  18. Liberal man stereotype - ENGAGE!! pathetic
  19. Yet you desire more government, to include “nuanced” censorship. You have a tough road ahead it seems.
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