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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I don’t care about that. The French people have spoken. My comments have been in response to your rather naive “Why? What would the point of that be?” comment from a bit ago. It’s not about France doing a better job. It’s about Muslims hell bent on importing their ideology.
  2. Kudos to you for having what is essentially a conservative position on immigration issues in France. You are showing promise!
  3. By providing more amenities and lessening their own Frenchness I imagine.
  4. Agree with the exception of the elite of all political persuasions. If you disagree please reference your posts of disapproval on Biden’s assorted student loan schemes. I suspect you have no such posts.
  5. Pining for the days of BHO droning an American citizen. Consistency is hard isn’t it?
  6. Perhaps Muslim people need to do a better job of integrating themselves into France.
  7. You may have missed it while you were hating on farmers and rural people in general, but Muslim people seem to have an interest in establishing caliphates and doing bad things to infidels. I think it’s got something to do with their religion though it’s possible people only notice because many of them have brown skin.
  8. I’ve been waiting for you to finally post something that is at least Tiberius level. Outstanding effort here.
  9. He will do these things with a pen and a cellphone I take it? Don’t be such a dupe.
  10. To save the planet obviously. As we’ve heard from our president, Greta, and a host of others it’s the existential crisis of our time. Do you truly believe climate zealots would not love to promote movement restrictions? It’s not even a conspiracy theory. It’s what climate zealots advocate. Thank god normal people have tuned them out.
  11. I like the idea and support anyone that wishes to live in such a way. The problem for me would be scoldy Karen’s like you and Greta that would mandate such a thing.
  12. Honor the social progress being championed by these self-haters. Do it quickly. Pride Month is almost over.
  13. Yes. Cowering in fear. I apologize if I missed it previously but can you explain the concept that has me cowering?
  14. Something for you to be fearful of. Seems akin to oxygen for today’s “progressive”.
  15. Honor it. You’ve only got today to do it for full virtue-signaling cred.
  16. Many, including the dems that frequent this board, are perfectly ok with this. They don’t care who is in charge, either elected or unelected, so long as it isn’t Orange Man. Because democracy is in peril and dictatorship is inevitable or some such bullsh*t.
  17. Dr Biden and her patient face a scary time. I suggest it would be less scary if they think of their future as something that can be, unburdened by what has been. Godspeed to these 50 year creatures of Washington and fundamentally decent people (if you ignore their words and actions).
  18. Newsome, while an inept politician and overall douche, is younger, telegenic, and will be able to say whatever he wants without being called on it by the “reliable” mainstream media. I won’t be surprised if he’s the next president.
  19. My comment - “darn”. A little melodramatic aren’t you? Your post is evidence that you don’t follow along very well. As with most of the younger left-leaners here, you show up to rage/whine and then break out a stale crack about boomers. Everyone has their thing. Enjoy the raging/whining.
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