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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Time to tweak the meds. You might want to reach out to redhawk. He claims to be a doctor and has experience with what you are going through. Best of luck.
  2. I don’t want Tiberius to feel alone as the world ends. Here’s a like-minded spirit to take comfort from in this most difficult time.
  3. Snopes is just covering their A in hopes that King Donald The Orange doesn’t order them firebombed. He’ll be able to do that you know.
  4. You’ll be ok. Stay strong. Maybe some melatonin tonight or a glass of warm milk.
  5. You hate the constitution and should move to Russia. That sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it? I learned from the master.
  6. Good point. You at least come off as earnest. He/she/they was mostly just an angry creep.
  7. Your morphing into the late, ungreat Billstime is nearing completion. Good for you?
  8. He truly broke weak minded people didn’t he?
  9. Aren’t you a little old to be hysterical? Stay frightened. Keep us posted.
  10. You stated earlier we will see mass civil violence not seen since the 60s and now you believe assassination is also in play. All perpetrated by those on your political side. I don’t want to search for it, but are you one to refer to other people as being in a cult? All my best as you and your allies try to come in off the ledge. Good heavens man. Effing scary.
  11. Left-leaning individuals and groups will be perpetrating violence if Trump is elected. To save democracy of course. Got it.
  12. The board’s resident expert on human trafficking has been laying low since Thursday. Hoping that he will eventually see this and weigh in. It sounds similar to busing migrants from under an El Paso bridge to a vibrant metropolis - which everyone knows is the very definition of human trafficking.
  13. Things have gone completely down the sh*tter for you since roughly 9:03pm last Thursday but you can do this. Stay strong! Billieve!
  14. You are doing so good! You answer all the questions! How about some ice cream, good boy?
  15. The EO which he used words to the effect of “it’s probably not legal/they probably won’t let me” - above the law
  16. So his first crack at it that he described as essentially “they probably won’t let me” and was eventually overturned as illegal was all good?
  17. Biden has repeatedly defied the Supreme Court on the matter and even bragged about doing so. Is this not above the law in your mind?
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