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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. IT’S SO TERRIFYING!! I thought it was the awful right and their soccer mom nazis that were the fearmongers. billstime jerking off to this image wondering where he can post it repeatedly.
  2. Your new handle going forward, whether you want it or not, shall be 4th&Tiberius.
  3. He’s of Jamaican heritage. I think it’s ok to still use the word black.
  4. “People don’t want her to be president because she has brown skin” -roundy 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
  5. Looks like you are onto something YUUUGE here. Powder keg! I will watch MSNBC tonight. Surely they will have more on these breaking developments.
  6. The only people that care about Kamala’s skin color are “progressives”. Everyone else cares that she’s an incompetent, bumbling fool that couldn’t get past the Iowa caucuses when she ran for president. Why did democrats throw her to the curb so quickly? A hint for the clueless (roundy/tibs - that means you) it wasn’t the color of her skin.
  7. My point, which seems to be beyond you, is that playing the race card on a regular basis shows a lack of intellectual rigor. My point does not actually have anything to do with your invocation of a boogeyman nobody has heard of. Nobody knows who Nick Fuentes is. Everyone knows Joe eulogized a klansman and referred to brown skinned people as predators.
  8. How about nazi’s? Around every corner from what I can tell.
  9. No need to think when we can fall back on calling people racists. Need I remind you that your side is the one with Joe Biden?
  10. His hero has spoken. Redhawk backtracking on “Biden must go” in 3…2…
  11. The modern day “progressive” go-to; in the absence of anything intelligent to say or a record to defend, just accuse people of being racist.
  12. Nothing on NBC News tonight. Can’t believe they are getting scooped by “Art Candee”. Regardless, this is good work you are doing. Let’s hope you get some credit when the reliable mainstream media picks up on it.
  13. Thank you for resurrecting. In the event anyone wonders, the intent of the thread with the idiotic capitalization was: 1. to mock the not-very-dearly departed Billstime for his senseless use of capitalization that seemed like some sort of extremely weird fetish. I’ll miss him. 2. to mock the then completely unhinged jackass known as redhawk/joe Ferguson forever, who at the time had “civil war” wet dreams. To redhawk’s credit, he has been mostly hinged the last several months.
  14. Those seem like explosive charges. Any thoughts on why CNN hasn’t reported them? Surely they wouldn’t mind reporting awful news about Trump.
  15. If by butt hurt you mean still getting a laugh out of your clown-like predictions, then yes, I’m absolutely butt hurt.
  16. You seem politically astute so am willing to trust you on this. I would like to go back and check your debate predictions before betting the house however. Thank you for your insight.
  17. Why do you think Joe Biden, a man of conscience as you describe him, has shunned his own granddaughter? Also, do you finally see cognitive decline in our president? Did his decline take you by surprise?
  18. It’s obvious you didn’t get much sleep last night what with the constitution being ripped to shreds and all. Try a glass of warm milk before bedtime tonight. It always worked for my mother.
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