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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The article you linked to states that an unedited transcript will be made available. Your claim bolded above is what people refer to as misinformation. Anyone that thinks they aren’t editing the video is delusional.
  2. Don’t underestimate the Trump hate. The reliable mainstream media will be in hyperdrive pumping up Joe’s replacement. Add the gullible to the “anyone but orange man” crew and I don’t see it as a slam dunk.
  3. That was my first thought. Seems a little unusual that it would be under construction this far into it and undoubtedly more involved than bringing in modular offices.
  4. They are only letting the nice people in. Except for a handful or two of ISIS.
  5. Primaries are conducted by the states, not the parties. Chalk up another L for you. They’ve been coming in a steady stream lately, haven’t they?
  6. Does anyone know what the rectangular building on the south end is?
  7. If it’s clear she can’t win, those questions may well get posed. The media will need to get her under the bus asap as they do their best to save democracy from, you know…
  8. Which of our brave truth seekers in the reliable mainstream media will pose such a question? Rhetorical question.
  9. I guess it’s good of you after having been deceived by your hero, to stand fast by his side while simultaneously throwing him under the bus. It does seem a little weird that you think a liar of his magnitude is a “decent man”.
  10. Wouldn’t a good man, by any measure, acknowledge his own granddaughter? What has this poor child done to deserve being shunned? And what about all the lies he’s told throughout his career? What kind of good man lies so much?
  11. You are late to the show. Pride Month just wrapped up. See you, and this phrase, next June.
  12. ⬆️ dems now lying to themselves about how awesome KAMALA HARRIS is. she’s so good at being a bully that she got bullied out of the dem primaries before Iowa. Hilarious! Fantastic!!
  13. In addition to Tiberius, who has seen his world stop turning, this has to be an especially difficult time for Frankish. He’s the one that gave us in recent weeks “I think he’s mentally fit” and “the reliable mainstream media”. Yikes.
  14. For the sake of normal discussion what items in the 64% do you find particularly objectionable? Has the 64% been detrimental to America? If so, how?
  15. Sure, so now King Donald the Orange is going to spell “Project 2025” “Agenda 47”!!! You can’t make it up! So scary!!
  16. Are you new to this? That’s how politics works. “Influenced” is one thing. You are acting as though he took marching orders from them. You probably actually believe that and it gives you a boogeyman in addition to the orange nightmare. This probably comes as news to you but I suspect your guy has been influenced by assorted leftist think tanks and PACs. Shocking isn’t it?
  17. I remember earlier in this thread when you commented on how you saw Jews cooking for “the people they met” on October 7. Possibly the dumbest post of your time here. That’s saying a whole lot. “The people they met”. Good lord.
  18. You seem to be of the mind that the bad orange man did all this in concert with the heritage foundation and could not have just had a shared perspective on governance. Did that 64% happen in the first two years of the administration? If so, that’s quite a record of achievement. If DJT is in the pocket of the HT, wouldn’t he be TRUMPeting 2025 everywhere, most especially his campaign website? Stay scared, citizen.
  19. And to think you willingly made yourself look like a dipsh*t pumping his tires all this time. You must be angry at yourself for buying all the lies about his mental and physical state. Hang in there, buddy!!
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