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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. https://www.mypalmbeachclerk.com/Home/Components/News/News/734/16 The recent Epstein document release can be found at the link. Maybe you can share with everyone the passages that mention Trump.
  2. You are sure to get yuuge traction out of it. Panic will be setting in bigly.
  3. I knew I could get you to sh*t on yourself in less than ten minutes. Nice work! Roundy - take note. Do not go down this path!
  4. Tell us why they won’t. You must have a theory. Try to leave the idiotic blaming of the Supreme Court out of the discussion if you can.
  5. Will one of the “ Biden is a good man” crowd take a stab at why he is unable to do the right thing and welcome the inconvenient granddaughter? Wouldn’t a good man have made that happen long ago? I don’t expect any answers.
  6. I’m ok with Joe being in the spotlight for a bit. Orange Man will make an appearance soon enough.
  7. Sad situation, especially in light of your guy proclaiming to the world that he was the one that shut Putin down. Pitiful. https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-im-guy-shut-putin-161000823.html
  8. Lol. People will tell themselves anything and say anything in service of politicians. Very weird stuff. you are supposed to stylize it “Master. Class” for cool effect.
  9. Politicians never do anything for convenience. You made more sense when you were telling us about the foreign policy master class Biden was conducting.
  10. Why on earth would he take the spotlight off Biden and the dems sh*tting all over themselves as they currently are? Give credit where it’s due.
  11. Have you ever worked in a union shop? Government offices don’t count.
  12. “It’s very weird that you turned to deflection and ignored my original tweet. Don’t tell me you’re going down the SCBills/LeviF route too!“ Bad job by me responding to your post @Roundybout I guess I was thrown off by the dimwitted nature of it. You are going full Tiberius. Never go full Tiberius. The tweet you shared and your follow up comments define projection. There are anti-semites on both sides. That you would pretend otherwise is childish.
  13. I must have missed your “Biden should repeal the Jones Act” post somewhere along the way. I know you dislike farmers and rural people in general. That’s obviously a touch on the weird side but now I’m wondering how you feel about union members. Care to share your thoughts?
  14. Imagine watching months of outrageous behavior and straight up hate for Jews on the grounds of liberal campuses across the country and then tweeting/posting something so idiotic. Pure genius.
  15. By he, do you mean Joe Biden? Assuming yes, any thoughts on why he hasn’t done so in 3 1/2 years?
  16. And the Nobel winning economist turned out to be horribly wrong up until Covid came along. If a Nobel winning economist that writes for the NYT was so terribly wrong then, why TRUMPet similar “thoughts” now?
  17. This is where you willingly portray yourself as dim. Don’t be a Tiberius, young person. Just call it the way it is. Does hitting “submit reply” on something like this do something for you? Embarrassing.
  18. Just ask Nobel winning economist Paul Krugman. He believed the same in November 2016.
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