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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. We have all read his “thoughts” along the way. In the case of Tiberius, is it truly an either/or?
  2. “Every accusation is a confession” - billstime
  3. It’s hard to believe that a man raised in a black church could turn out to be a racist. F you Brandon.
  4. Being stupid to act tough = toxic masculinity = increased suicide is your argument. As your former crush would say “c’mon man”.
  5. The last time you tried to pull this you defined toxic masculinity as binge drinking. That was incredibly lame. Tell us what you think toxic masculinity is.
  6. This has been a very difficult time for you. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there big guy!
  7. You appear to be losing it (further). despite the title, this is the Biden has always been an a-hole thread.
  8. Everyone knows. The Frankish’s of the world are fine with it. Accountability is overrated after all.
  9. I like the phrase “generally perfectly”. I will never use it myself but it seems generally perfectly ok coming from you. Dammit. I just used it. Please tell us what you meant by “he’s aged out of the public part of the job” and how that might square with your assessment of generally perfectly.
  10. That’s the kind of hard hitting commentary from reliable media that we’ve been missing the last four years. On July 11, the story is not the Democrats imploding. It’s Orange Man!!
  11. I think he's mentally fit now. I have no way of knowing whether he'll be mentally fit when he's 86 your words June 19. Seems like you might be stretching things a bit here on July 11
  12. Biden has not done that so it’s an incredibly vapid question to raise. I don’t believe taking counsel is frowned upon in any way. That’s not really the situation with the our current president though, is it? Excluding you, everyone and their brother is now declaring him incompetent to hold the job. Where do you imagine the former president falls in the current hierarchy of decision makers?
  13. Someone has talked himself in knots. Less than 24 hours ago you suggested there is a Democrat Deep State.
  14. Three weeks ago you had him as mentally fit and now you are ready to kick him to the curb! Sad!
  15. “Why does anyone care if the most important job in the world is filled by a senile octogenarian? Move along already” -Frankish
  16. Not so fast says Chris Matthews - who seems to be in fine Frankish fashion with this defense of the Big Guy. Bidenism!
  17. Prominent democrats, Redhawk, and Frankish have all been taken by surprise!
  18. What does “aged out of the public part of the job mean”?
  19. A definite classic. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
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