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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. This will obviously end up in the Defiant L’s thread. Dude is a senior fellow at a race hustling PAC and describes himself as a critical race theorist. He doesn’t say but I think he might be a democrat. And a total loser.
  2. I lean right but am not a conspiracy theorist at all. The lefties that frequent this board cannot fathom that. That said, the shocking level of incompetence here seems willful and I could believe anything about it at this point.
  3. Your outlet for 24/7 hate and minimizing your own insignificance survives. Congrats and enjoy. I’m sure it will all work out nicely for you.
  4. The shooting incident. lol. Frankish’s beloved reliable mainstream media doing work!
  5. As a satirist you make a good lawyer. I hope you are better at lawyering than you are at satirizing.
  6. If someone was not held accountable in the past, that’s the precedent we should follow now. Is this your contention?
  7. That’s the thing about an ill-considered comment. Makes one look like a jackass. Think for ten seconds before hitting submit reply and you are less likely to come off as an a-hole like Tiberius. It’s 100% on you.
  8. Hysterical lefties to blame for this dark day. I strongly dislike Trump. Can’t wait to cast my vote for him.
  9. Do you have any examples of the left having anger for the right from the last 8 years or so? Maybe today is a one-off.
  10. And your way of highlighting it is “here comes the right wing violence”. Effing embarrassing but you run with it. You clearly don’t know another way.
  11. And left wingers are bemoaning the “failure”, claiming it was flying glass rather than a bullet, and running with any available conspiracy. So I ask, what’s the effing point of your original comment? It’s pathetic. Don’t be a Tiberius.
  12. Embarrassing and pathetic on your part. Don’t be a Tiberius.
  13. A couple lefties confirming their dickheadedness and one dumbass that goes by backtosomethingorother telling everyone it’s time to move along.
  14. Rushing to out oneself as an assh*le is an interesting phenomenon. At least a couple here excited to do it. Sad.
  15. It takes a lot for me to ignore someone here. You won’t be hearing from me further. F’ing loser.
  16. I meant confirm that you are an unhinged loser. I’m sorry over the fact that you won’t feel shame or embarrassment tonight.
  17. Everyone knows you are an unhinged loser. No need for you to confirm.
  18. Any idea how many innocents have been killed with Biden “in charge”? Seems like a lot. It would be good data to have so that comparisons can be drawn.
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