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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Dang. It was just a few weeks ago that Joe was said to have the most consequential presidency of all time. It’s hard to keep up.
  2. But Silver is in bed with Thiel who demanded Vance be VP yadda, yadda, yadda. Hope I just saved someone a little trouble.
  3. As far as I know none of the 12 people that frequent here are biologists, though I have always wanted to pretend to be a marine biologist.
  4. Apologies in advance to Frankish. If he stumbles upon this he will certainly be triggered by an Alex Berenson post.
  5. Who do you spend more time loathing? The orange menace or LEON? I can’t imagine what it must be like to add MDS on top of a raging case of TDS. Hang in there big guy! All my best.
  6. She should do a live interview or press conference so that people can see her genuineness. She’s only selling herself short by hiding out.
  7. It can be hard to stay focused at your age. Soon you will be aging out of the public part of life. Stay strong.
  8. Someone has certainly been mixing things up. My posts have been in regard to Silver. Ppppp
  9. Thank you for the clarification. I will forward to Nate Silver so that he can stop referring to his stuff as a “model”.
  10. Article/data is almost two years old. I suspect those in the business are concerned with lessons learned and have applied some learning since 2022. I will wait until November to see if they have improved. Happy to crucify all of them if they are wildly off base.
  11. Absolutely. It will be interesting to watch unfold. In Silver’s case he’s definitely got his credibility on the line. He can survive being a little wrong but if he’s way off it’s sayonara time. I’m not willing to declare them “very flawed”. That will have to wait until November.
  12. Do you believe that the same Nate Silver is fine with making his model/work/career/credibility a laughingstock because he’s in business with Peter Thiel? That seems to be your thinking. Not a very cool fantasy world you live in. Weird.
  13. Thank you for asking. I will leave it to the experts, including you, to judge my mental fitness. You have one of the lowest bars on the planet so I am slightly optimistic regarding my diagnosis. I haven’t heard from her necessarily. Seems to be mostly from anonymous aides. While that is fine, and possibly preferred, for a deep-state enthusiast such as yourself I would like to see our next president be a stand-up sort and state her “current” positions. She can do this! Do you believe her “current” positions reflect her values that haven’t changed? How exactly would that work?
  14. Minor delay in the closing. Stay strong everyone!
  15. For the sake of discussion let’s agree that polls and models are generally inaccurate. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. My question for those that support the Harris/America’s Dad team - to what do you attribute the significant swing seen in Silver’s model? Now, ATTACK!
  16. Why are people wondering about her positions? What difference does it make? It’s all right there in the Democrat platform!
  17. Frankish can use a friend. We all can. Do you believe Joe is mentally fit for the most important job in the world?
  18. This is a shocking development that no one could have ever seen coming. Kudos to the White House for starting to imagine what nobody else could. Master. Class. 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
  19. DANG! First it’s Coach Tim going to China 30 times and now it’s someone named Lauren Southern showing up in Russia. What are these two dolts doing?
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