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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. This is the imagery the White House/whoever is making the decisions, wanted out there. That you think it’s a cheap fake coming from conservative “influencers” is pretty funny.
  2. Just responding to your Tiberius-level claim that right-wing influencers cropped photos of Biden (photos that Trump hating outlets CNN and MSNBC have used in their reporting) )giving a speech at the White House. I’m sure it’s embarrassing to make such a ridiculous claim. Better luck today.
  3. Right wing influencers cropped the photos and CNN/MSNBC just liked them and ran with it. That’s one helluva claim. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  4. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/joe-biden-s-speech-took-place-front-marines-here-s-n1298589 https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/04/politics/home-front-biden-marines-philadelphia-speech-reaction/index.html why did MSNBC and CNN use photos cropped by right wing influencers? Tiberius-level post on your part. Embarrassing.
  5. Gaslighting almost from top to bottom. If as you claim, the White House was lit red, white, and blue for the unhinged “red speech” but conservative influencers cropped it out, proof should readily be available right? Can you provide even a single photo or link? It’s a trick question. Nice job with that claim.
  6. I’m bored. Apologies to all for the excessive posts. They have reached frenetic level and that is unacceptable. A special thanks to Frankish who took a moment out of his posting day to check the scoreboard. edit - I only know how to view the posting frequency in a single thread. Very disappointed to find myself behind Frankish in this one. Something to strive for. Can anyone send a pm and tell me how to see the overall posting numbers?
  7. Seems like you are getting a little testy banging that reliable MSM drum. Nobody is telling you not to lap up the reliable journalists telling you what you want to hear. Are they the ones responsible for your “Biden is mentally fit” thoughts? If not, how in the hell did you arrive there as recently as four weeks ago? Do you really know where I get my news? Rhetorical question.
  8. That hurts. This is a time for healing. I’m not really a JK fan but thank you anyway. You have great faith in the 4th estate. Good for you.
  9. Look everyone, here’s a reliable article from the NYT! Everyone gets a straight news story right more often than not. BFD. That’s their job. As a partisan, you appear unable to notice when the “reliable” straight news takes on a strong blue tint - reliably so. It’s what had the straight news stories trying to convince people (and succeeding with you) that Biden was mentally fit right up until the debate.
  10. Complicit. Nice effort anyway. Kudos to you for being well above the fray.
  11. Do you realize a fair chunk of this board’s railing on the MSM the last couple months has been with your clueless attachment of “reliable” in describing them? I notice you didn’t include that word in this post.
  12. A slight rewording of “don’t let facts ruin a narrative” is clever in your book? You made more sense with “he’s mentally fit”.
  13. Interesting way of owning up to such a dimwitted, misinformed post. I’m sure you thought it was clever though.
  14. Federal Election Commission records show that a donor listed as Thomas Crooks with the same address gave $15 to a Democratic-aligned political action committee called the Progressive Turnout Project in January 2021. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/us/trump-shooting-thomas-matthew-crooks-intl-hnk/index.html This makes your post seem rather 4th&Tiberius-ish, doesn’t it. Seriously weak. “Facts like that”. Good lord.
  15. Was it a narrative or was it something reported earlier today by the reliable mainstream media?
  16. This is fun. You regurgitate what an 82yo man wants you to and believe yourself to be a critical, enlightened thinker. One who gives us gems like “I hate farmers” and believes the border disaster is about skin color. So aware!
  17. Why do you think the media has not run with these allegations?
  18. Once you’ve got a little more life experience, you probably won’t be as gullible as you are today. In the meantime, stay strong.
  19. I know you believe what Biden states here. Is this sort of over the top rhetoric part of the problem? It is rather irrational.
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