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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Why no italics tonight? Please tell me how to check posting frequency. I can’t help but think we have a pot/kettle situation since you returned from “vacation”.
  2. I got used to regular, excited updates from you ,seemingly over a year ago, and thought maybe you just forgot to post them since then. Thank you for scratching my itch.
  3. Nobody cares. What we want to know is what you paid for gas TODAY. Your reports have been nonexistent for quite some time.
  4. Teamsters doing Brandon wrong? That would be something.
  5. I thought you might have realized the original tweet I posted include a comment that was clearly tongue in cheek re: raising the temp. Therefore, there was neither raising nor lowering. Just more babbling from the White House spokesperson. There will be no lowering on either side. That’s a pipe dream.
  6. Why do you believe it will be interesting? Do you suspect those that identify as leftists will act out?
  7. Hating America is the highest form of patriotism.
  8. The question from the reporter - “will the ‘threat to democracy’ phrasing be replaced?”. In KJP’s answer I didn’t hear a lowering of the temperature as it relates to ‘threat to democracy’. Did you?
  9. You are more adept with the language than your equally hysterical ideological doppelgänger. Credit where it’s due. Carry on!
  10. No. Just a distaste for unhinged idiocy. Can’t you make your points without the overwrought dramatics?
  11. Two easy examples: BHO - bitter clingers HRC - deplorables. Why no mention? Pretty large swath of people being insulted with those comments.
  12. Really solid take. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Politicians saying awful things about one another. Who would have ever guessed?
  13. If someone says that it was glass, will you believe them? It was definitely glass. Make sure you tell everyone.
  14. CBS radio news at the top of the hour just now referred to Saturday as “Trump’s violent rally”. I’m happy to know they will be reliable in their reporting.
  15. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. He got part of his ear blown off, they threw a few stitches in it and covered it with a bandage. You’re welcome.
  16. Not that this is any sort of revelation but it is correct.
  17. Won’t be surprised if it’s Haley. I would be fine with it.
  18. Trump getting shot at has clearly been very upsetting for you. Hopefully your workplace has an employee assistance program that you can reach out to. Hang in there.
  19. Wow! I hadn’t heard any of this. What do you think the bottom line is? Eager to hear your thoughts.
  20. You cared enough to make a false claim about it. Very weird.
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