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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The problem, specifically with you, is the denial that Biden is losing it. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the office.
  2. He is unfit. You are the only person kidding yourself that it’s otherwise. Not just as the nominee. He has no business being in charge another hour. A danger and an embarrassment.
  3. SNL should update this so that thinkers of your sort have something to cheer. Mastermind!
  4. Your guy is still winning 53 out of 100 times at your preferred poll. Democrat power players are going to blow it pushing him out!
  5. In short, you believe the 8th circuit is wrong. Got it.
  6. That you are satisfied with his tenure is a perfectly normal position to take. To be satisfied with his mental faculties a day after “you know, the black man” which is an example of something that now seems to occur hourly, is truly baffling. I doubt you actually believe it but are more just digging in on an ill-conceived comment.
  7. You have taken the position that everything Biden has done on this is legitimate. Why do you think the courts have today said differently?
  8. In light of your belief that Joe is mentally fit now, why do you think he’s struggling so badly with the power players of your party? What do they see, if anything, that eludes you?
  9. Oh my. I’m so sorry! This is similar to your classic take that Top Gun 2 was a “woke” movie. Not a joke, you are literally the only person on the planet to hold this opinion. I guess I shouldn’t…anyway…
  10. Here’s what I don’t understand about the whole matter - how on God’s green earth could FRANKISH have typed out “I think he’s mentally fit now” just four weeks ago and actually hit the submit reply button? Anyone?
  11. I can see being fooled by your spy wife but fooling yourself by thinking you look good in that hat? That’s a bit much.
  12. That was an incredible scene. The way that Biden has disrespected the fallen and their families is an absolute disgrace. Good man my ass. I guess it’s all about priorities.
  13. Alex Wagner of reliable mainstream media outlet MSNBC absolutely NAILS IT. Who does this guy think he is with the family burial plot routine?
  14. The articles have already been written and are waiting to be published. “Joe Biden cements his legacy as an American legend by stepping down. A good and decent man.” “Kamala Harris, who got off to a rocky start as VP, has been unburdened by what has been, found her stride and is ready to meet this moment.”
  15. This is why you are viewed as an idiot.
  16. Blame 4th&Tibs. Not a joke - He’s the one claiming Covid is nothing to worry about. I’m serious. That’s BS. It’s the same thing as getting shot! Anyway…
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/18/europe/ukraine-germany-aid-halved-intl/index.html Germany effing Ukraine. Somehow that becomes a TRUMP headline.
  18. I can’t stand Gaetz but actually feel for the guy the way he’s getting dragged today. What was he thinking?
  19. Dang. You are one tough nut to crack!
  20. She’s like a much, much, much paler version of Joy Reid. Do you know her? She’s the one that believes Biden’s covid is the equivalent of getting shot. Not a cult at all! LOL
  21. Roundy can probably find one. His twitter feed seems littered with racists for some reason. Other than that - no.
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