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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Why aren’t the parents of the hostage sympathizing with his captors? They don’t get any more reliable than The Washington Post.
  2. It has potential to become an adage “don’t lie…you were staring at your watch like Biden at a dignified transfer”.
  3. Credit to Orange Man for getting through without choking up. Impressive. As of now I won’t even hold my nose when voting for him, as previously planned.
  4. Remixes are very popular these days. Make it happen.
  5. Lol “The bandage! It’s so big!!” -bermuda extra exclamation points for irritation purposes
  6. Van Jones getting ever further off the reservation.
  7. Should be a slam dunk for the democrats come November, don’t you think?
  8. That’s how excited I was! You are killing it! You (and the rest of the world) watched the President of the United States sh*t himself for 90 minutes at a debate and you are concerned about the effect of Hulk Hogan on our standing in the world. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  9. Dang! That’s a good one! Please keep them coming!
  10. She looks a lot older than 62. That’s what being a hysterical born-again liberal will do to a gal. Thought you preferred the dowdy look. What gives?
  11. Yes. Only America is embarrassing. Anyway…
  12. It’s all so sudden too! It wasn’t long ago that you were in the Frankish camp of no mental decline. Shocking developments.
  13. Quite the burn from Ron Filipkowski!! Let’s hope someone educates him on the definition of “penultimate”. Dumbass.
  14. Canada looking down their collective nose at us right now.
  15. I have no problem with never-Trumpers. There are millions of them. The idea that a single one of them would watch that debate and afterward declare Biden mentally fit for the most important job in the world is so ridiculous that it merits mockery.
  16. This should be interesting. Not necessarily buying it but look forward to hearing more.
  17. Scandalous! The lid has just been blown off this election! Lanny Davis as a contact is disqualifying. How could you have watched the debate and believe Joe Biden is mentally fit for the presidency?
  18. It’s out there for sure. Dude really went for it. Wish I could unsee it.
  19. You’ve been going for edgy all week. Not really in the wheelhouse for someone your age. Do you have anything else that might possibly work?
  20. Comical. I doubt the lefties here even watch MSNBC. Can you imagine the sort that would be a regular watcher? Yikes.
  21. Total disingenuous bullsh*t. You stated pre-debate and again today that he’s mentally fit for the job. There’s no old man bell curve involved.
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