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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. BILLSTIME??? Is that you, buddy? simpleminded loser/victim
  2. Raskin, not Rankin. Either way I think he speaks for us all re: the inability of President Brandon to fully comprehend. what a load of horsesh*t! https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24852462/read-raskins-letter-encouraging-biden-to-reconsider-reelection-campaign.pdf
  3. Kind of a tough one for Frankish and Redhawk. Reliable NYT saying Obama was taken aback the same night he is seen on video leading Joe offstage by the arm. Both of them declared cheap fake. Frankish believed it to be the mentally fit president just soaking in the adulation of an adoring crowd. Everyone sees what they want.
  4. That is a lot of words. Very informative. Biden has been under fire ever since the debate embarrassment. Let’s not act like the idea of him being pushed out just came up Tuesday. Please keep us all posted on when it’s ok to look at data again as you did Tuesday morning. Didn’t mean to get your feelings all dialed up. You’ll be ok. The polls will swing before long.
  5. You were sharing Trump/Biden poll numbers, post-assassination attempt, that you were happy with on Monday. They turned a tiny bit and 3 1/2 days later “it’s hard to look at data right now”. Embarrassing for you. You are throwing up on yourself and losing your composure. If you didn’t do any of what I stated above please accept my apologies. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
  6. That’s certainly the one you prefer. It must make you feel better. Excellent job on this week’s “look at these numbers, it’s hard to look at numbers right now, look at these numbers” routine. Exceedingly well done.
  7. C’mon man. It didn’t stop you from sharing earlier this week when it seemed to suit you. Laughable. I don’t have a preference for either. Just sharing numbers. Just like you did earlier this week before claiming just now that it’s hard to look at data right now. You’re on fire!
  8. You may have looked past it but my post was related to polling data/trends. Good on Nate for giving his opinions along with his data. Are you more about feelings as opposed to data now? If so, I will adjust potential future posts accordingly.
  9. “He’s mentally fit for the most important job in the world” - the frankish reich good heavens. What an absurdity Frankie is holding onto. NOBODY thinks that. AOC possibly. I probably shouldn’t…anyway… https://www.newyorker.com/science/medical-dispatch/doctors-are-increasingly-worried-about-biden “doctors, schmoctors. He’s mentally fit, dammit” -TFR
  10. For 4th&Tiberius - He’s not a good man. The thread title is meant to be sardonic.
  11. It’s sad watching a grown man make himself look like a dumbass so regularly. You might want to research that last tweet just a little bit.
  12. Biden was up to 53/100 simulated victories. Down to 50 today. That’s a shame. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/ Also this: Hang in there. Plenty of peaks and valleys ahead.
  13. From your “only 1% regret transitioning” article that you obviously did not bother to digest: The issue here is that neither of these extremes are reliable estimates of regret. The 30 percent figure obviously does not map onto regret. Many people stop using their parent or partner’s health care for reasons completely unrelated to transition regret (i.e., divorce). And the studies of surgery in the review are mostly surgeons following up with their own patients, with quite high dropout rates. It’s not surprising that only 1 percent of people report to a surgeon who did an operation that they regret it! There’s also a problem here about how we define “regret.” One of the biggest studies on transition-related regret was on the Amsterdam gender clinic, including nearly 7,000 people over 43 years. These authors defined “regret” as a patient who came back to the clinic after surgery to access hormones that would reverse their gender transition (and who had this noted in their records). By this definition, less than 1 percent of people regretted their surgery. But this is obviously not a particularly useful definition, because it will miss all of the people who regretted their procedures but went elsewhere for their follow-up care, or simply never got back to the original clinic about their regret. Perhaps the most useful way to examine regret is to look at the proportion of people who cease their transition and go back to the gender they were originally. A large national study found that 13.1 percent of transgender people participating in the U.S. Transgender Survey reported detransitioning at some point in their lives. I think that’s a fairly reasonable estimate of the rate of people experiencing somemeasure of regret around their transition experience. Here you go. Anyway, f those young people that get screwed over by Big Medicine.
  14. We’ve had this discussion before when you made this claim without reading what you linked to. I will resurrect that post so that you can argue with yourself over which data to believe. As with the departed, deranged billstime, your position is “f those people that experience buyer’s remorse”. Sad that you would be so cavalier about the mutilation of young people. added from previous go-roundy on this topic: From your “only 1% regret transitioning” article that you obviously did not bother to digest: The issue here is that neither of these extremes are reliable estimates of regret. The 30 percent figure obviously does not map onto regret. Many people stop using their parent or partner’s health care for reasons completely unrelated to transition regret (i.e., divorce). And the studies of surgery in the review are mostly surgeons following up with their own patients, with quite high dropout rates. It’s not surprising that only 1 percent of people report to a surgeon who did an operation that they regret it! There’s also a problem here about how we define “regret.” One of the biggest studies on transition-related regret was on the Amsterdam gender clinic, including nearly 7,000 people over 43 years. These authors defined “regret” as a patient who came back to the clinic after surgery to access hormones that would reverse their gender transition (and who had this noted in their records). By this definition, less than 1 percent of people regretted their surgery. But this is obviously not a particularly useful definition, because it will miss all of the people who regretted their procedures but went elsewhere for their follow-up care, or simply never got back to the original clinic about their regret. Perhaps the most useful way to examine regret is to look at the proportion of people who cease their transition and go back to the gender they were originally. A large national study found that 13.1 percent of transgender people participating in the U.S. Transgender Survey reported detransitioning at some point in their lives. I think that’s a fairly reasonable estimate of the rate of people experiencing somemeasure of regret around their transition experience.
  15. Please consider leaving “edgy” to the youngsters. You will be doing yourself a favor.
  16. You have been lied to most of your life. While there is no doubt an incredibly tiny percentage of people affected by “gender dysphoria”, concepts like gender fluid, nonbinary, multiple genders, they/them, xe/xer are things that are not based in reality. If grown adults want to live a life pretending to be the opposite sex, nobody cares in this day and age. It’s people like you that advocate for young people permanently altering their existence under the guise of healthcare that are the problem. It doesn’t even take an 8th grade health class to figure any of that out.
  17. This one is for all the bandage truthers like Bermuda.
  18. Some think the evil ones are those that encourage and cheerlead young people to deal with their emotional problems by chopping off body parts, acting as though it’s good and proper all the while. I imagine people like that generally view themselves as “progressive” democrats. Sad.
  19. This is the kind of thing that chigoose and Frankish would be all over as an opportunity to dunk on the rubes. So far, no dunking. I guess everyone outside of Joy Reid has serious concerns. Effing nightmare.
  20. I hope this gets debunked asap. I don’t want to believe any of this stuff but the incomprehensible level of failure demands suspicion. Sadly some are more horrified by Hulk Hogan.
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