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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I think when people use LOL, they aren’t really LOLing. I LOLOL’d at this. Truly funny and incredibly embarrassing for you. Concealed - LOL. Your poor patients!
  2. Hard to argue. Not much has changed and heightened security has not really been a thing in the 4 decades since that happened.
  3. Don’t forget the cheap fakes! They are all in on those too. Thank heavens those have been dispelled.
  4. This is what has me wondering about what CNN published. They are charter members of the reliable mainstream media after all. Maybe one of Fox News, One America News, or Newsmax will debunk what CNN put out there. Not sure if there’s enough info to refute the MSNBC crew just yet.
  5. Seems unlikely doesn’t it? Waiting for DHS Director Mayorkas to give us the full story. He’s as credible as the day is long. He’s already assured us he has total confidence in the agency responsible for the whole event. How do feel about CNN peddling the multiple shooters angle? Seems crazy. They are normally very reliable.
  6. I think the nerd had sufficient skillset but for a timely turn of one orange head. Do you disagree?
  7. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-rally-shooting-07-14-24#h_e3b77ce122987eb5d2059a2dff21a270 Look at CNN peddling this three shooters business. Sad. I hear some on MSNBC also believe it may have been glass that struck the orange man. Seems crazy doesn’t it?
  8. Whatever the answer at least we know we can trust the government agencies that deliver it. They’ve earned that much from us.
  9. Sadly, the failures were of such an egregious and deadly nature that it’s incredibly easy to imagine there could be more there. You don’t even have to lean to the right to think it.
  10. What are your thoughts on how a 20yo nerd outsmarted the entire fed/state/local security apparatus? Criminal mastermind at work?
  11. Since the evening of June 27 there has certainly been a downturn in activity from the left leaning posters. Not sure why. I probably shouldn’t…anyway…
  12. With outcomes like this why do you support it so strongly? There must be a better way to give these struggling people a chance dealing with their issues. Chopping their bodies up doesn’t seem like the solution.
  13. To you truly find it to be pro-Trump? Or is it rooted in anti-liberal/anti-Biden? We can agree those are different things entirely, correct?
  14. Here is a data point associated with the gender-affirming surgery you so virtuously champion as a small government liberal: Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11063965/ Your response previously was “we need to make sure they get post-operative mental health care”. All well and good. What will the resultant suicide risk rate drop to for people that have irreversibly altered their bodies and lives?
  15. I know that the sort of person that would listen to Keith Olbermann is a billstime type of individual. Has anyone ever met someone in real life that would listen to KO?
  16. Washington is filled with our best, brightest, and good of heart. Both sides show us this daily. We really should trust them more. Also - RIP
  17. https://althouse.blogspot.com/2024/07/tell-me-who-enlarged-nato-tell-me-who.html For those who prefer to shoot the messenger, Althouse is a liberal law professor at UW-Madison that seems to have had her fill of leftist lunacy. "Tell me who enlarged NATO. Tell me who did the Pacific basin. Tell me who did something that you never done with your Bronze Star — and your — like my son — and, you know — proud of your leadership. But guess what? Well, what’s happening? We got Korea and Japan working together." That's what "Biden snapped over Zoom at Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a decorated, retired Army Ranger, according to a recording of the virtual meeting with House Democrats," reported in "Behind the scenes as Joe Biden lost control of the Democratic Party/Many Democrats described the first three weeks of July as a kind of nightmare — too extraordinary to be real, too unexpected to be believed" (WaPo). "Lost control" is right. Lost control of the Washington Post too — whatever control he had. Selecting that quote — it's in the third paragraph of the article — shows vicious hostility. To get hung up by Crow's Bronze Star! Is there any coherence to "who did something that you never done with your Bronze Star — and your — like my son"? He's saying he did something as President that Crow hasn't done, even though Crow won a Bronze Star, and he's distracted onto the topic of his deceased son, perhaps because the son is always on his mind but probably because that son also won a Bronze Star. I wondered why Beau Biden won a Bronze Star and found some discussion here. I believe it had to do with service in a combat zone and not for a particular act of heroism. But Crow's Bronze Star has the "V" device for combat valor or heroism during the battle. He was the platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne Division in the Battle of Samawah in 2003. To get up in Crow's face over the Bronze Star is just insane. Joe Biden seems bereft of the ordinary tools of human interchange. His son died. Go home and grieve constantly if that's what you really need to do, but don't use your dead son randomly as a weapon when you run short of things to say. Quite aside from how the Democrats are going to extricate themselves from the idiotic jam they've gotten themselves into, the entire world is put at risk when the President of the United States has lost his mind. Fake news says Frankish. He’s mentally fit to be president. Good heavens.
  18. Some of the lefties here, L Ron and Redhawk especially, are very big on the royal “we” so that they can set themselves apart from the awful righties. I always get a chuckle out of it.
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