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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Now he will have more time to get to know the granddaughter that he has shunned up until now.
  2. I work in the space industry so am very happy to have an advocate as our next president.
  3. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/437107-harris-i-believe-biden-accusers/
  4. It seems like you’ve gone from giddy to mean girl in the course of a couple hours. Be Roundy Strong. It will all be ok.
  5. Look at you! Yesterday you were down and today you’re up! Equally shrewish both days but at least you’re enthusiastic. This is certainly a good chance for Kamala to show democrats they were wrong for their 2% support of her presidential run in 2020.
  6. Not similar at all and you just sh*t on Vance. Now the guy to watch has exactly the same level of work experience? You are not very up to date on Wes Moore. Better get your Wikipedia on. Moore is impressive. There’s no need to downplay his accomplishments as you have done with Vance. The presidential debate - did you watch it?
  7. Incorrect. Wes Moore has an incredibly impressive resume. Well beyond community organizing.
  8. “Succeeding is no indication of success” -you Maybe he can add community organizer to his resume in time for the election. A question - did you watch the presidential debate?
  9. You are pretending you have been duped re: Biden’s wellbeing after repeatedly claiming “I see no cognitive decline” and this is the road you are taking? Really solid work from you. Keep it coming.
  10. Issues voters are focused on this election found at the links. For abortion fans, it is definitely in the mix. Just need hunt a little to find it. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1362236/most-important-voter-issues-us/ https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/02/29/americans-top-policy-priority-for-2024-strengthening-the-economy/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/economy-top-issue-voters-presidential-election-2024/
  11. See his easily disproven “I went to school with Susan Collins” claims that he tripled down on. Very weird.
  12. She looks like an aging, angry, slightly more masculine version of Thomas Dolby in the video for She Blinded Me With Science. Roundy - this is the future you if you don’t come to terms with your hysteria. Keep up the good work Rosie!
  13. One of the more clueless lefties here (it’s Tiberius) refers to this clown as “the great Jen Rubin”.
  14. I’m glad the internet is forever. This post, coming from the biggest blowhard on the board, one who has never let an opportunity go by to tell everyone how brilliant, elite, and superior he is, is absolute gold. It’s as if your account was hacked. Kudos to you for this masterpiece. It should go in a frame.
  15. She’s incredible. Also a hateful bigoted transphobe that should be canceled or some such horsesh*t.
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