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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. There is no situation imaginable where the government should be paying for gender transition surgery, let alone for inmates. Harris believes the government should, it’s the issue currently be discussed, and you are standing in defense of it. Weird.
  2. As part of your defense of Harris’s position of paying for “medically necessary” transition surgeries for those that are incarcerated you referred to a law that was allegedly included in what you linked to. There was none. That’s on you.
  3. Really persuasive argument here. Who wants to find out? good heavens, man
  4. Starting to think your earlier “sure, why not” might have been false bravado. We’re not going to get any updates are we? “Susan Collins, who I went to school with…” 🤦🏽
  5. Then I will repeat what I said earlier - I’m happy that your circumstances have changed and look forward to hearing about about your future housing of migrants.
  6. I’m having some trouble. Can you direct me to where this happened? I was merely pointing out a Kamala-like change in your position as it relates to personally housing migrants.
  7. Nobody is suggesting you not believe the Kennedy campaign was a Trump op. You should spread the word far and wide. I’m sure the “thought” will gain traction.
  8. Wow. Three short hours ago you intimidated that it was all over the internet if someone took three seconds to google it. Now you give us an exceedingly lame “what ever”. You should probably take a break.
  9. And they say righties are conspiracy-driven kooks. Excellent work here!
  10. From Wikipedia: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the U.S. state of Nebraska may face some legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Nebraska, and same-sex marriagehas been recognized since June 2015 as a result of Obergefell v. Hodges. The state prohibits discrimination on account of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment and housing following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County and a subsequent decision of the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission. In addition, the state's largest city, Omaha, has enacted protections in public accommodations. I don’t know how gay people get through the day in the Cornhusker State. Would you like to share something, anything that would lead someone like Coach Tim to believe it’s illegal to be gay in Nebraska? Tiberius level idiocy. 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️
  11. You stated some time ago that you were not in a position to house any migrants. Glad to hear your circumstances have changed. Please keep us posted on how it works out and thank you for being moral and good.
  12. The kid was an a-hole in every instance and had no qualms with being such. No need to pretend he/she wasn’t and that there has been some sort of loss.
  13. To be fair, they can’t say anything positive about her either. She’s not Trump. That is her sole appeal.
  14. Both spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about the awful orange man. Sad. Weird.
  15. Rather than pass yourself off as a Lincoln historian as it relates to his gayness (a topic, minus the Lincoln part, you have shown keen interest in over time) why not provide the link you got this from? Weird.
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