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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. There are not many clamoring for population reduction here in 2024 so I am giving credit to our future president for getting out there on the leading edge. We will just have to trust her.
  2. I do, and made mental note of the effort. I gave you full credit earlier today for being quick-witted, but clever in the mildest way imaginable is as far as I am willing to go here. It’s just that when someone so quickly plays the race/transphobia/anti-gay card as you do, a little consistency seems warranted. An unwillingness to call out homophobia simply because someone is of the same political mind lends doubt to your sincerity. Are you truly an ally? Maybe the solution is to not ascribe everything you disagree with to racism, transphobia, etc.
  3. Right. Nobody ever thinks of long distance rifle fire when it comes to political assassins. Good heavens.
  4. Attacks? Isn’t mostly highlighting her comments and record, such as it is? This thread is a catch all. Maybe you can highlight something impressive from her record.
  5. Knew I could count on you to turn a blind eye to politics and be consistent in your seething. Very nice work!
  6. Assassination attempts at that level only happen every four decades or so. The Secret Service did not have a lot of practice, so it’s easy to understand that they would erase theircommunications after an event that almost never happens. I’m sure that Alejandro Mayorkas maintains 100% confidence in this crew.
  7. All well and good. I’m wrong about a lot of things in life, but I’ve never been so wrong as you are with your insistence that Biden is mentally fit. I’m just trying to understand what it must feel like to be that wrong.
  8. You have for the nth time tried to paint me as a Trump enthusiast. Unfortunately you cannot point to any examples of said enthusiasm. Therefore this can only be seen as a pathetic attempt at deflection from your clueless stance re: Biden’s fitness. I get it.
  9. Thought you might enjoy this nugget. I hope none of your lawyering involves healthcare. That would be disastrous for everyone involved.
  10. A few short weeks ago? Thursday and again today. He’s delusional but at least he’s a loyal party man.
  11. There is at least one doctor here that is currently somewhere between unhinged and hinged. For the longest time he saw no cognitive decline in Biden (that doesn’t say much for his doctoring) but lately, in contrast with you, sees the old boy as gone and is pretending that he was duped by it all. We definitely need another doctor but kudos to Redhawk for finally recognizing the decline that the entire world, minus you, saw.
  12. They were bothered tremendously W-F last week but thank you for the snapshot. That’s the thing about markets. They go up and down. Nobody is telling you not to believe that Joe Biden is and has been mentally fit during his presidency. You should proclaim it loudly and proudly. Maybe to the younger people you manage. They always like a reason to snicker at an old-timer.
  13. To the first bolder passage - LOL To the second - it absolutely is hard to understand. More like impossible. It doesn’t matter how much confidence or bravado you state it with. You are the only person alive that believes it. It’s fun to watch you go to the mat for this idea.
  14. On Thursday of last week, you declared Joe Biden to be mentally fit for the job. What in the living hell were you thinking?
  15. I wish someone would drop in here and actually mention something positive and meaningful that Kamala Harris is responsible for. She’s truly awful. The idea of her being president is terrifying.
  16. Future President Harris has a lot on her plate and can’t be expected to do everything. I also notice that Ali Bradley is white.
  17. Future President Harris’s support for law enforcement appears to be a murky situation. Perhaps nuanced is a better word than murky. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj4nxw/progressives-think-kamala-is-a-cop-but-cops-hated-harris-for-years At officer Isaac Espinoza’s funeral a few days later, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, used her eulogy to attack Harris. “This is not only the definition of tragedy; it’s the special circumstance called for by the death penalty law,” Feinstein said. The thousands of cops in attendance at St. Mary’s Cathedral roared to their feet as Harris sat staring ahead stone-faced. “It was like a bomb,” said Chris Cunnie, a former head of the local police union who later went on to work for Harris and was sitting in a pew across the aisle from Harris when Feinstein delivered her rebuke. “I’ve never been in a church where the whole church was up clapping. The only person who didn’t stand up was the archbishop.”
  18. KIWIGATE @Roundybout one of your ideological allies seems to be going the homophobia route. Thought you should be aware.
  19. I’m sure you consider this clever. I suspect it will get thumbs up reactions from 4th and Redhawk. Not bad!
  20. You created a lengthy post about how JD got ahead by kissing ass. Any thoughts on how Kamala became such a powerhouse?
  21. This line of posting is obviously not about President Brandon. It’s about your embarrassing assessment of him. Hopefully you never said anything out loud to anyone about it.
  22. Your insistence that he was mentally fit evokes comparisons to the musings of Tiberius. I know that’s a hurtful thing for me to say. Wouldn’t it have been easier for you to say “yeah, I really sh*t the bed with that one”?
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