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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/10/27/democrats-debate-why-do-we-suck-00063718 Noted right-wing website (tibs and bs - that’s sarcasm) with a classic headline.
  2. If you account for inflation, $2.33 back then is worth $5 today. Or something like that. What an IDIOT!
  3. Gus Edwards just came back Sunday. Out since Sept 21. Every player is different. The 9 months as a deadline or there was a setback doesn’t hold water.
  4. I remember when dems were against welfare for billionaires. idiots
  5. That it’s lost on you will be the least surprising thing that happens today.
  6. Putting your true colors on display. Sad for internet strangers and no doubt even more sad for those around you.
  7. In general yes, but nobody gets to choose murder in a situation like imminent birth. Sad that you see it otherwise. No doubt there’s a small percentage of people out there like you.
  8. It’s ok to say you disagree that it’s ok to kill a baby on its due date. You will be in agreement with the vast majority of the world’s population. That is, unless you….
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3654510-house-democrat-slams-tlaib-for-antisemitic-remarks-on-israel/ Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) on Wednesday slammed Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) for claiming that individuals cannot be considered progressive if they support Israel. Blue on blue crime. Hate to see it but good on DWS for calling out the hate. She’s got her work cut out for her. No shortage of antisemitism amongst the dems.
  10. I don’t know what “neutrois” is but I feel like it could REPRESENT you. Am I close? Regardless, keep on trucking’!
  11. This is going to rebound so hard on “the cult”. Just wait for ‘24/‘26/‘28. Maybe ‘30.
  12. Liz with her indigenous person fragility! Rebounding on “the cult” in ‘24! Maybe ‘26. ‘28 almost certainly.
  13. Couples making 250,000 AGI have historically been shat upon. Thank you for recognizing their plight.
  14. once you get past his fondness for the confederate flag, the pedophilia in the LP, and the nonstop grift, he seems like a fun guy. idiot
  15. Rebounding on the cult in ‘24! Maybe ‘26. Definitely by ‘28.
  16. Once you look past his decades long history of lying, the racism, and the creepy groping and sniffing, Joe Biden is, as Mittens Romney said, a fundamentally decent man.
  17. Do you know who wants to end the free press? This Fetterman lady. I don’t think she’s a republican. She may, however, be a Putin lover with that attitude.
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