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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You try so hard. Sadly, you aren’t very sharp. Let’s go ahead and extract the Reuters link and ponder why the mayor of a northeastern “sanctuary city” is in El Paso, Texas. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-york-mayor-says-no-room-his-city-migrants-2023-01-16/ idiot
  2. How many have you seen? It seems like you are claiming to be familiar with quite a few cases of unintentional spillage and follow on cooperation followed by Uncle Sam shrugging his shoulders and saying ok. Do you mind sharing a few samples from the “most cases you’ve seen”?
  3. Lincoln Project for the win on MLK Day. Do as we tweet, not as we do or some such bullsh*t. Rick Wilson and his confederate cooler reporting for duty!! idiots/freaks/simps/etc
  4. For sure. The Feds almost never get a conviction. Data published by the Pew Research Center in 2019 highlighted how federal prosecutors have a 99.6% conviction rate. To put those numbers in perspective, U.S. Attorneys filed 79,704 cases in 2018. Of those, only 320 resulted in acquittals. https://www.doarlaw.com/blog/2021/04/what-you-should-know-about-the-federal-governments-conviction-rate/
  5. Hero. A hero that up until a week ago likely never considered the matter for even a second.
  6. Pitiful. Can any of the resident defenders add some insight here? Shouldn’t he have been asked about it? I’ve always been led to believe censorship is bad. Was I lied to?
  7. For someone that tries to show him/herself as a superior thinker you really sh*t the bed with the “what about boxes” argument. No worries. It happens to all of us.
  8. A decent man that refuses to acknowledge the existence of his young granddaughter. Interesting.
  9. THEY WERE IN BOXES!! Further illustrating your ignorance about classified info security. Carry on. 🤦
  10. Eagerly awaiting certain posters to tell us why transparency is overrated.
  11. Crime? It was just negligence and he gave them back after six years. Move along already!
  12. While I’m doing that research, should I expand it to people that have lost their jobs over such a matter? You no doubt think you’re talking a good game here but you really don’t know anything about the classified world. That’s more than clear.
  13. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/analysis/preston/bs-sp-preston-ravens-lamar-jackson-time-to-part-ways-20230116-lsc3onxvybadfjldn6p3r36noq-story.html Probably inaccessible but it’s the main football writer from The Baltimore Sun. Headline says it all from his view.
  14. Redstate wants to be jojofromjerz, muellershewrote, or brooklyndaddefiant when it grows up. idiot
  15. No. I’m usually the dumbest person in the room and he/she/they help me to feel a little better about myself.
  16. I know that you don’t know what a non sequitur is by definition but you might want to consider looking it up. You’re quite adept with them.
  17. Joe pulls a Trump. Journalists hardest hit. Prayers up for these non-partisan truth seekers.
  18. Perhaps, but what the op states well-precedes the Hamlin event.
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