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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Does this decent man take classified documents very seriously as he and KJP have told us or does he have no regrets? Seems to be a contradiction.
  2. For those actually interested in science let’s note that the linked article is from 18 months ago. Doesn’t science evolve? Covid science particularly so? What does today’s data say? When the head of the CDC declares that vaccinated people cannot get or spread covid and proves to be spectacularly wrong, what are we to think about “experts”?
  3. @redtail hawkBased on your childish words it seems you take issue with this guy’s freedom of expression. Many on the woke side of things do. All he did was not skate.
  4. It seems to have hurt yours as you have resorted to the childish tactics of your message board running mate. I prefer the right to freedom of expression over coercion. You seem to feel differently.
  5. Hard to focus on that when there’s a Russian dude that didn’t participate in pride warmup skate.
  6. Why do you need yoga hotties as part of that? I’m being told that men can menstruate and get pregnant.
  7. There’s no shortage of objectifying women among your sort. That’s a joke. You put it on a tee. Doesn’t mean it’s a funny joke. I did some DDP yoga a few years back and never felt better. Need to find an age appropriate program that won’t have me creeping on women like you.
  8. Buy yourself a thigh master. Will decrease your exposure to MAGA. Everybody wins.
  9. You seem smart enough. You should have sequestered yourself before a dream vacation. Sometimes it’s hard to identify a redstate hillbilly if they were ever lucky enough to have access to dentistry.
  10. Do your part and stay six feet apart. You obviously failed to do so at church.
  11. I stopped wringing my hands after my two round vax when all the numbers indicated that having done so would not prevent me from getting infected nor from spreading infection no matter what the Wolinsky’s, Biden’s and Maddow’s of the world were telling us.
  12. Which apparently is still ongoing and killing compliant people at one year high levels even with operation warp speed miracle vax. Which according to you keeps people out of the hospital.
  13. How do you explain a vax/mask compliant nation like Japan being at a one year high for covid deaths? Red state hillbillies infiltrated the island?
  14. Make of it what will. From the link: Misleading. Data collected by the CDC from September 2021 to September 2022 and described in a Washington Post article shows that a majority of people dying from COVID-19 in the U.S. had been vaccinated because the majority of people in the U.S. are vaccinated, and does not reflect vaccine effectiveness. In other words, sure vaccinated people are dying of covid but that doesn’t mean the vax doesn’t work. 🤦
  15. You have stated you are ok with antisemites like Ilhan Omar so long as they apologize. When this dumbass creep eventually apologizes will you be ok with him?
  16. Test away. That’s the only way, along with masking/vax/doing your part staying six feet apart that we’ll ever come out the other side. Be afraid!!
  17. This decent man…maybe it’s a good thing that he won’t acknowledge his granddaughter from Hunter.
  18. Come on li’l billsy, you spew more hate on this board than everyone else combined and it’s not close. Even you know that the woke movement will never become the norm. There just aren’t enough righteous warriors like yourself.
  19. Are there people other than chigoose that actually do this? Everyone in a blue state I guess. Fat dumb hicks in red states just die from attending parties without testing first.
  20. You didn’t imply it. You stated it outright. No need to equivocate.
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