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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Blame the bitter clingers like St Barack did or the basket of deplorables like Hillary did. Both moments of civility.
  2. Li’l billsy already own-goaled this one by placing it in the BOOGALOO BOYS thread.
  3. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/05/the-rooms-where-congress-keeps-its-secrets/451554/ Do you think the documents he has possessed since his SENATE days accidentally fell into his pocket while in a SCIF? Wouldn’t intent be required to remove them from a SCIF? Rhetorical question. Occam’s razor and whatnot.
  4. Repeated accidental spillage spanning many years. So long as you believe it. Any thoughts on how the documents “spilled” out of a SCIF? Seems like something that would be more intentional than accidental.
  5. Turned them in immediately and then tried to keep the news from seeing the light of day. Logic, your self-described speciality, tells us that Biden was most likely unaware that he had classified documents in his possession since at least 2008. Do I have that right? Or perhaps that “logic” is more like rampant speculation.
  6. Yes but this decent man cooperated in turning over the documents he had in his possession since at least 2008 and he takes it all very seriously. Let’s move on already!
  7. You are aboard the Howard Dean train and calling others stupid. That’s something.
  8. Turns out that this decent man was even taking them during his time as a senator. Awaiting someone as smart as chigoose to tell us why this is ok even though he didn’t actually return these of his own volition. Returning them and saying sorry might have been the ok/not ok line some were trying to draw. Can you imagine if this decent man DIDN’T take classified documents so seriously? That would really be a mess.
  9. I don’t want to steal any thunder from li’l billsy but I think you pointing this out means you are triggered. (insert Trump lmao meme here)
  10. Enjoy. Fingers crossed that they tighten protocols in the meantime. You might want to consider some sort of porta-bubble for the plane ride over. If there’s one thing we’ve learned since that hillbilly MAGA judge struck down masking on planes is that those damn things are a death trap. Best of luck.
  11. Turns out that’s a good thing for everyone. Red state hillbillies don’t have to spend their life savings to travel to a place with such lax covid restrictions thereby saving not only their money but their lives. Blue state elites are protected from having to deal with rednecks but are risking their lives to do so. I look forward to watching it play out. When are you going?
  12. https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/europe/portugal All travel restrictions lifted. Sorry hawk.
  13. True, but protocols? Tight enough to at least stay alive? Are red staters allowed to travel there? I hope not. also - as your running mate would say… #winning
  14. Don’t forget to do your part and stay six feet apart and your booster regimen. All the numbers show that they work quite well. Covid is nearly eradicated thanks to these miracle shots. https://nypost.com/2023/01/19/more-new-yorkers-moved-to-florida-in-2022-than-any-year-in-history/ Many blue staters see it differently. I guess they aren’t so smart after all. I’m not sure but I think there is quite an exodus from non-swamp California as well. I wonder why. They’ve got it all out there. Maybe it’s that “freedom” thing that you are cavalier about.
  15. And all his stupid detractors yell “covid policies” over freedom. Just mask up in perpetuity and stay out of red states (and church) and you will be fine.
  16. Nice handle jojo has going. Direct from the department of redundancy - Angryliberal. freaks/simps/idiots/etc/trump meme
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