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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Someone should put an over under on how long before we get a “my word as a Biden”.
  2. No thoughts on his refusal to acknowledge an innocent child of his own bloodline? Seems a little mean don’t you think?
  3. https://nypost.com/2022/11/01/biden-again-wrongly-says-son-beau-died-in-iraq-in-stumbling-florida-speech/ They talk about inflation … inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia’s doing … excuse me, the war in Ukraine,” the president said. “I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.” This decent man doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Maybe it’s what explains his refusal to acknowledge his own granddaughter. Thoughts?
  4. I bet it was the part about “I’m very serious” that reeled you in. https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/education/2021/09/29/book-rosa-parks-removed-then-returned-volusia-classrooms/5896772001/ From September 2021. Would you at least put some effort in? And if you want to project an image of being an anti-racist don’t feel obligated to be a lapdog for Rick Wilson. He’s a racist sh*tbag. Yes, I’m triggered. By your ineptitude.
  5. The black face of white supremacy. I know, that story has already found its way into print. LA Times I believe. Nevertheless. #uncletom
  6. No doubt! Does make me wonder why this wonderful father draws the line at being a wonderful grandfather. Can any of the Biden fans on the board hazard a guess as to why he won’t acknowledge the existence of his very own granddaughter? Anyone?
  7. Belongs to…checks notes…all-white beach club. Did someone say hypocrite?
  8. The idiotic name calling is pathetic. Reminds me a great deal of billstime.
  9. My theory is based on logic and common sense. He took the documents. They were not accidentally spilled by staffers. You claim to be big on facts. Is there a single fact to indicate staffers are at fault?
  10. No. A guy with a lifelong record of lies is now a paragon of virtue. That’s the most logical explanation. He’s…fine. Carry on.
  11. I answered your second question. Attention to detail is important for someone that paints themselves as a purveyor of logic beyond that of the common man. Please read more carefully going forward. To the first question I don’t know. I do know that guilty individuals sometimes try to ease their situations by cooperating and pleading rather than obfuscating. You seem to feel covering up is the only way forward for someone in his position The guy has a lifelong record of telling lies. To me, that makes him untrustworthy. To you, that makes him…fine.
  12. That just happened repeatedly to this unwitting dupe over many years. At least now when you try to lecture everyone on the use of logic and common sense no one needs to give you any credence.
  13. Intentionally, yes. With malicious intent, very unlikely. My opinion. You, as the gatekeeper of logic and common sense, want to believe that a 50+ year creature of Washington, one who has told easily disproved tall tales every step of the way, is a victim and is being done wrong by incompetent staff and is now a stand-up guy for immediately reporting himself after several years of not doing so. In drips and drabs, no less. To use one of your terms, that’s wish-casting.
  14. Focus for a moment on the documents he has had since his time as a senator. They didn’t accidentally get packed up. He took them. That’s the only way to get them out of a SCIF. IF HE’S WILLING TO DO THAT AS A SENATOR, DO YOU THINK HE WOULD BE MORE RESERVED AS A VICE PRESIDENT OR PRESIDENT? OR DOES LOGIC TELL YOU THAT HE MIGHT THINK HE COULD GET AWAY WITH MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. apologies for the all caps. Unintentional and I do not wish to correct it. Maybe that’s what happened to Biden Trump and Pence. Unintentional and they just did not wish to correct it until many many years later in Biden’s case and never in trumps case.
  15. Some transparency for all the Lincoln Project fan.
  16. I guess logic and common sense tells us that this fine public servant, who’s made a career of bullsh*ting that has lasted several decades, decided after many years to just come clean because it was the right thing to do. No external forces at play whatsoever. If you are going to paint yourself as the voice of reason please at least shoot for some consistency across ideological lines. You are diminishing your own standing as an expert here.
  17. Occam’s Razor - it takes a willful act to remove classified docs from a SCIF and a SCIF is where a congressperson would be reviewing classified documents. You being the foremost practitioner of logic on this board, I figured you would know that.
  18. You wouldn’t answer this previously - did the classified documents from Biden’s time as a senator just accidentally leave the SCIF with him? Stuck to his shoe? Fell in his pocket? Surely you have a logical explanation that absolves this fine public servant. Accidental spillage!!
  19. Your good American president was perfectly ok with a “minor incursion”. How many Ukrainians have to die on his watch? Sad. He’s another Chamberlain alright. Only dumber.
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