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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. 4th&Tibs doing his best to assume the Billstime throne. What he doesn’t realize, and it’s hard to believe I’m typing this, is that he is even more clueless than billsy. He doesn’t stand a chance.
  2. Dumbasses like roundy and nedboi were leading the charge laughing off the Chinese spy balloon event as no concern. Why? Because a democrat held the presidency. That’s deep thinking right there. No need to go into roundy’s theories on balloon deflation - though I am more than happy to do so. They’re something to behold. v/r jdhf
  3. I can’t believe you were duped all this time! You must feel foolish. Hang in there. v/r jdhf
  4. Would you say that someone claiming Biden is still mentally fit for the presidency has been successfully programmed?
  5. New Republic - reliable leftist rag. Embarrassing. I’m sure the hysterical ones here that play the race card at the drop of a hat will speak out against this antisemitism.
  6. They are being celebrated for it. Anything to thwart the bad orange man.
  7. I’m just waiting for someone to post a success other than “she went to an abortion clinic”. v/r jdhillfan
  8. Fetterman in the Bullseye. I didn’t say crosshairs. lurch is on the receiving end of a lot of left on left hate. Fun! v/r jdhillfan
  9. This is how you know KJP is truly awful - you can draw attention to her atrocious, clownish performance and not be called a racist homophobe misogynist. v/r jdhillfan
  10. I refer you to your should Biden resign tonight thread v/r jdhillfan
  11. My understanding is that you are a participant. Nothing wrong with that but I prefer privacy.
  12. As we prepare for this historic evening, I wanted to pay tribute to this 50 year creature of Washington, fabulist, and good family man that calls 6/7 of his grandchildren every day, by changing my screen name to something worthy. this change also serves to honor @The Frankish Reichwho courageously staked out ground as the only person on the face of the Earth to still “believe” that Joe is mentally fit to be the president. It took a lot of something or other to get to that point and deserves credit. v/r jdhillfan
  13. Markets say “motherfkr” to Biden is mentally fit rumors
  14. I was referring mostly to politicians and bureaucrats. Republican politicians hate him almost as badly as the Democrats do. Obviously there are exceptions.
  15. I believe it to be fetched, but not necessarily far. Everyone in Washington hates Trump. It’s not by party either. They all hate him. To me, it’s not beyond imagination to think there’s a small handful of people that fully bought into the nazi and threat to democracy talk and actually believe they might be doing a patriotic duty. Unlikely but I’ve witnessed enough BS the last few years to not rule it out. our government has seen fit to not release all documents related to the JFK assassination. Seems like 60 years might be enough time for that to happen.
  16. I’m concerned about what I don’t know. Previous agency malfeasance combined with the stunning ineptitude surrounding the event give me pause. I’m glad for you that you have no concerns over it.
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