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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You just Tiberius’d the hell out of that one. Congrats.
  2. Why do you support the murderous Xi? Do you hate America? You should move to China. Does any of this sound familiar to you?
  3. Why shoot it down? It served no purpose that satellites don’t already serve.
  4. Here’s the next question - if nobody cared about the big bad maga/CCP balloon, why shoot it down at all?
  5. Looks like we can chalk up roundy, li’l billsy, and Tibs as those that have no issues with letting China do whatever they want because they already have satellites after all. Reminds me of the people excited to greet the invaders on top of the LA skyscraper in the movie Independence Day. One question for the CCP balloon enthusiasts - does America look weaker or stronger after this episode? If at all possible please answer that question before invoking Trump.
  6. Well, if it’s in the free press at least we can be confident it’s accurate and fair. https://www.cjr.org/special_report/trumped-up-press-versus-president-ed-note.php/ With a few exceptions here and there of course. CJR probably hates America, cheers for Putin, and should move to Russia.
  7. Tiberius reporting for duty and awaiting marching orders from CNN/good American president 🫡
  8. CLAIM: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is requiring all female student-athletes in the state to provide detailed information about their periods in order to compete in organized sports. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-desantis-florida-sports-female-athletes-160560972802 Period pearl-clutchers hardest hit.
  9. How long until a media outlet declares doing nothing to be a show of strength by our good American president?
  10. So to you it’s ok for Blake to ask for comment using “I spoke to a fascism scholar” rather than “I spoke to John Smith, a scholar from the local community college”. Care to explain why you think that’s ok when the “journalist” involved has obviously already written the story of the fascist in charge of Florida?
  11. Who were the experts Blake was referring to and what made these people “experts”. Or do you think it’s good enough for Blake to say “I talked to some scholars”? Sounds like a real “journalist” to me.
  12. We have two. How many before The Big Guy shows a pair? America is back!!
  13. No one as of yet has decided to defend Biden on balloongate. Will you be leading the charge? Seems like you might want to.
  14. Depends on how you define woman/women. A Supreme Court justice can’t even do it. What makes you think you can? The hubris*!! *tibs - just Google it.
  15. Signs of hope for the lefties of the board. None of them have rushed to defend our good American president as he reveals that he has no balls. What would China do if the situation were reversed? F’ing sad state of affairs.
  16. Also because good libs like Steph Curry are NIMBY 24/7. Surprised you left that out as you seem very even-minded.
  17. Further proof of how respected and feared America is under the leadership of President Brandon. I wouldn’t want to be that summoned Chinese diplomat right now!!
  18. Bad on me for assuming you couldn’t do two things at once.
  19. I don’t know if that’s just a painfully weak attempt at humor or if you are making a point. Keep in mind that while I am no Trump fan, I am a redstate hillbilly at heart and therefore not very sharp.
  20. We would have to clear one hurdle in order to have the discussion - I find Trump to be a contemptible individual. You are able to look past decades of lying about every topic imaginable and find Biden to be a decent man. I don’t know how we overcome that. Thanks for the offer though. Very kind.
  21. https://blog.ucsusa.org/derrick-jackson/a-new-study-confirms-structural-racism-in-stem-programs-needs-fixing/ Hasn’t the professor heard? Obviously not an ally so good riddance. I don’t know how young people expect to survive by only excelling in technical subjects.
  22. Perhaps Joe is trying to protect his son from ulterior motives?? By ignoring the existence of a young girl? Many (sycophants for a party) would say it’s normal. You would have been better off ignoring my repeated request for thoughts on the matter. Truly pathetic. Tell me more about the sculptures though. You are obviously a learned man.
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