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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You know she’s bad when there isn’t a single word in defense of her from the crew of PPP cheerleaders. Have to know when to fold ‘em!
  2. Hard to say. He did just let China fly a spy balloon over our country from coast to coast before taking action. Tell me again why that was ok?
  3. “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on man. They’re not bad folks.” J. Biden 2019 It’s what’s known as foresight. No doubt a concept as unfamiliar to you as it was to Saint Barack when he said to Romney “the 80s called and want their foreign policy back”. Like you several times a day on this board, he proved to be a lightweight.
  4. So when you said “nobody” you meant only yourself. Thanks for clearing that up. Really nice work!
  5. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/02/13/china-spying-us-biden-be-honest-balloons-flying-objects/11247473002/ Nobody cares!!
  6. It’s all a big nothing burger. It’s not even a story anymore! https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/14/politics/conspiracy-theories-objects-white-house/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/13/politics/pentagon-memo-canada-small-balloon/index.html It was small and in Canada! Nobody cares! Also - it’s good they shot it down
  7. Nobody is stopping you from being a bootlicker for the free press. Thank you for not calling them honest. That would be too much even for you.
  8. You made more sense when you were defending the cross-country adventure of chinaballoon.
  9. https://www.insider.com/straight-man-wife-bisexual-daughter-transgender-*****-family-2023-2
  10. I read it and read Post articles when they look interesting but they pissed their credibility away and did it willfully. Without credibility, what’s left? Part of the problem with advocacy journalism. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/11/16/washington-post-steele-dossier-newspaper-record-transparency-522733 So when reporters uncover new information that undermines earlier copy, they write new stories, updating the record. What they don’t do is go back and erase the original, flawed version. But that’s what the Washington Post did last week. As Post journalist Paul Farhi reported last Friday, the newspaper removed from its archives two stories from 2017 and 2019 related to the controversial Steele dossier and replaced them with new articles that added and deleted whole sections
  11. Good on Omar for putting Pete the Wonder Boy on notice. Now about all that antisemitism and the 9/11 “some people did something” remarks she traffics in…
  12. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/550006-commentators-blast-washington-post-fact-check-on-tim-scott/ Once the post goes all in on this sort of “journalism” what’s the point of giving them the click? Don’t they also employ Taylor Lorenz? It’s easy for you to declare it fair but how would anyone else know?
  13. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-shields-mohammed-bin-salman-justice-rcna57972 It is a shame that our current leader, a decent man, decided he couldn’t correct a wrong.
  14. https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/government/mineta-bio.html This is what good looks like. A democrat who was eminently qualified for the position, unlike the inept mayor of South Bend. Chao? Who cares. Now that we know what good looks like, perhaps someone will step up to the plate and tell us why Pete was a good choice for the job and why he has been a good Sec even if he’s not in Mineta’s league. Maybe that person can do so without name calling, gifs, memes, or TDS on display. Unlikely, I know.
  15. Still waiting for the “spy balloons are ok” crew to weigh in on the latest. I imagine it will be awhile.
  16. Allow me to comment in a fashion you should be very familiar with: you support the murderous Xi and should move to China. Do you see how childish and pitiful that is? Rhetorical question.
  17. Imagine awaiting more data. Several European nations - “we may have a potential problem so while we await data all you thirty and under people should hold off or be very choosy about your vax supplier” redhawk - “anyone that doesn’t get repeated boosters is stupid and selfish” Different strokes.
  18. https://www.euractiv.com/section/all/short_news/sweden-against-giving-eu-approved-covid-jab-to-under-30s/ Several European countries also recommended against the Moderna vaccine for under age 30 people. The vaccine still offered protection against severe illness and death, according to you and many others. Are the scientists and experts in those countries stupid and selfish? Just bad at science? Uncaring?
  19. Cut and paste - In short order you have gone from dismay over those that won’t follow your preferred booster schedule to defending those that undercut vaccine acceptance based solely on your political preferences.
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