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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Never safe to assume these days. That’s something we can thank “progressives” for.
  2. I’ve seen enough of your posts to know that this passes as humor from you. As a comedian, you made a fine medical faculty person. Maybe UVA is where you realized you were superior enough to call an accomplished African American man an Uncle Tom.
  3. Yeah, it’s a huge story. People can’t stop talking about it. I can’t get anywhere near the water cooler at the office without hearing condom this, IUD that. Frankly, I and all my neighbors are outraged at this attack on contraception. Please keep me posted on this gripping story so that I know when to run out and stock up on sponges like Elaine. Effing Tucker is probably behind it! I’m familiar with the act. I’m fine with it being voted down based on issues of religious liberty and also the fact that the “contraception freedom” matter doesn’t even exist. It was created as a wedge issue. It certainly gave a wedgie to anyone uptight about it in Feb 2023.
  4. Occupy Democrats dropping the KN95 and exposing themselves as total dumbass.
  5. About 90% or about 99%? It’s a complete non-story but there must be manufactured outrage at all times.
  6. Yeah but everyone has more to spend because of the great job Brandon did lowering energy costs. I’m sure I heard that from a high ranking cabinet member earlier this week.
  7. I thought only righty’s were hypocrites. Learn something new every day.
  8. In all fairness, I’ve seen people use Uncle Tom before and I’ve also seen people “make note” of interracial marriage as you have done. It’s always been abhorrent whether it was from an enlightened blue stater or a red state hillbilly.
  9. You never answered the question about what makes you wise enough to declare another an Uncle Tom. That’s not even a dog-whistle (one of the blue teams favorite terms/accusations). Easier to just respond with laughing emoji’s when you expose yourself in that way. All in good fun.
  10. Just tell us all what makes you, anonymous internet poster, high enough and mighty enough to declare an accomplished African American man an Uncle Tom. It’s also clear that you take issue with him being married to a white woman. All because other anonymous internet posters said bad things about Biden and Obama? That’s your defense for being a racist? Unbelievable. You should probably just backtrack here rather than dig.
  11. What are your qualifications to declare an accomplished African-American an Uncle Tom? Rather than actually having standing to slander him like that, as if that’s even possible, it seems more likely that you are just a shameless, sick, racist f**k. Unbelievable.
  12. I was listening to democrat pollster Celinda Lake on tv tonight. TWICE she referred to Kamala-madingdong as incredibly eloquent. Let that sink in for a minute. I understand the need to fluff but to use eloquent??? Good lord man.
  13. If you take away the stealing and awfulness they seem like a pretty good…..them?
  14. I don’t know about the rest of you but I can’t even go out for a drink on a Friday evening without tripping over NAZIS left and right. They’re everywhere!
  15. It seems as though you are struggling. The post from you that you are unwilling to accept a compliment on said: “Hey @B-Man, what does Tucker say about it?” Just because I find it to be the perfect combination of insight and wit doesn’t make it Jeffersonian. Just take the W and move on.
  16. That’s a lot of explanation. Might as well just take some pride in the original response. It was that good!
  17. There was also this: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/jul/03/tom-cotton/tom-cotton-hillary-clinton-pushed-reset-russia-mon/
  18. I stood with our good American president when he said a minor incursion was ok. I don’t know why he said that but who am I to question?
  19. The cloth mask will prevent the young lady from catching deadly coronavirus from the multi-vaccinated VP. I think that’s what the science says.
  20. Not surprised that you would type that much only to again miss my point entirely. I have not implied all the news outlets were out to get Trump. I stated outright that most media entities loathed him and that may have played into the shutting down of a story that might be harmful to their preferred candidate. This is common sense. ( I know you see yourself as an authority in the field). I also have no theory. You are painting that picture yourself. I have an issue with censorship. You are fine with it. Twitter, while now in downfall, was the leading platform by which information was shared at the time. They shut down cold the account of the 6th largest newspaper in the country. Despite what you want to call it, that’s censorship. Pure common sense (I know you see yourself as an authority in the field).
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