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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. No mention of party affiliation from the nearby Baltimore Sun. I never expected that. Let’s just move along and be glad a creepy democrat pedo is off the streets for the moment.
  2. Is this maggot a NAZI or is he “merely” an antisemite? Hard to say for sure as NAZI was nowhere to be found in the article. Neither was maggot but we can readily assume that part. Perhaps we need a thread for antisemitism concerns. That would be a good place to discuss Tlaib, Pressley, Omar, AOC, etc.
  3. Hard to believe a prominent elected official would have ethical issues. She’s not even a republican.
  4. This must be your way of saying they all love money and power. Like the bad orange man. Exception granted for the altruists Sanders, Kinz, and Cheney of course. Did you get a chance to go to Bernie’s paid-admission “It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism” event in DC last night? Average ticket price was only 89.00.
  5. Based on everything you’ve seen do you expect all those people to eventually leave congress significantly more well off, more well off, the same…off, less well off. This is a test of your powers of observation.
  6. Are you aware of a politician that doesn’t love power and money? I would love to hear who might fall into that category.
  7. Listen to your betters. Without trust in our institutions what do we have left?
  8. This solves the problem of no Asians in the cabinet but what about the glaring lack of gay/trans Asians? Sad.
  9. Yesterday you were mocking “low confidence”. Apparently it suits you today. No surprise.
  10. You should touch base with the FBI and let them know they are going down the wrong path. #pangolins
  11. Only the best and brightest representing us in DC.
  12. From wear a folded handkerchief on your face to approving J&J, to claiming the vaccine stops covid dead in its tracks one thing we know for sure during the covid era is that the “experts” have been doing a rigorous process. Trust the science! smh
  13. Chigoose hardest hit. I suspect he will power through and keep the KN95 handy for those superspreader events we have been hearing so much about. Also - to each their own.
  14. He needs to worry less about Trump and trains and get back on the Tim Scott family history story. What a tool
  15. Tibs, li’l billsy, redhawk…that’s an axis of something right there. Yikes! Did you really want to advertise that alliance?
  16. “stop hate and end racism! I’m talking to you, uncle Tom, and that white cow of a wife you are strutting around with.” - redhawk
  17. The guy that insults women based on the way they look and throws around the phrase uncle tom like he’s got standing to do so is all about quelling hate. It’s getting hard to differentiate between you and li’l billsy. That’s not good for anyone.
  18. I don’t know. It’s a rather sticky situation. What are your thoughts other than war? How about more of those “crippling sanctions” we heard so much about in another context a year ago? Maybe Maddow and Hayes will have some ideas tonight. We will likely never know as their audiences are a bit on the small side.
  19. “What difference at this point does it make?” -HRC and Redhawk
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