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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Once you remove the gay/trans agenda and the reaction to it by all the awful Christians, of course, the Olympics can be pretty awesome.
  2. How so? As you are an expert on everything, please tell me how typing that way is anything but tired and dumb. Does it strengthen the point being made? Thank you in advance.
  3. You will be upsetting the Roundy’s and Billstime’s of the world if you consider the trans movement as a form of entertainment. I suspect those involved see their cause as more than entertainment.
  4. Had you seen less Bowie perhaps you would actually be funny. Alas… I didn’t mention “the children”. My post was drawing a difference between the preeminent glam rocker of the 70s to the ridiculousness of today’s trans movement. That you would take it in a different direction is the least surprising thing I will encounter this weekend. I will relax now. I really flew off the handle for a minute there.
  5. Nobody pretended it was normal or tried to shame people that saw it as abnormal, which it was and still is. Now we have people telling us we should honor the crap on display last night even if an entire month is needed to do so.
  6. You’re on fire! You seem funny in an older, Steven Colbert sort of way. That was mean. Apologies.
  7. It’s clear that your transition into Billstime is near complete. A non sequitur of this sort was one of his many tired routines. A proud moment for you. Congrats? Pay more attention to Jillian and less to Rapinoe and you’ll do fine.
  8. Maybe you can learn something from Jillian Michaels. You aren’t helping your cause. Dear fellow gays… We demand tolerance and respect but then make a mockery of something sacred for over 2 billion Christians. This type of hypocrisy and lack of understanding is a bad look. We get outraged when the extreme right bashes us, but then we do this *****. What kind of reaction do you think they will have towards the LGBTQ+ community after this. This is NOT how we break down barriers it’s how you build them
  9. It’s obviously not in your wheelhouse but have you given any thought to clever or witty instead of edgy? At your age edgy isn’t really a thing.
  10. Comical that you would be linking to splc as part of your whining about what people link to. Showing your “awareness”. Very nicely done.
  11. The post directly above mine indicated by the up arrow was Frankish letting his homophobia get the better of him. Thought maybe you would call him out. Or perhaps your convictions only run as deep as your politics.
  12. You are obviously very caring and that’s nice. Unfortunately for you, it’s going to take farmers to help feed those kids. I know how you feel about them. Very conflicting.
  13. A young progressive, happy about being lied to by politicians. Speaking truth to power!
  14. My interest is more your idiotic claims of mental fitness. Hard to believe you decided to hit “submit reply” so many times. Clear and coherent. Well done!
  15. I disagree. It represents a sentiment, put forth by you and you only, that is so outlandish, absurd, and disingenuous that it will easily stand the test of time. v/r, j
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