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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You should consider proofreading before posting. It will go a ways in making you look less foolish. Now bipartisan legislation has become “yeah, but those guys supported it more”? 🤦‍♂️ 🤦 What made you keen on sharing Frank’s non-employee status but not sharing the news of the cool 1M he’s raked in from them? Guess we can start calling you ol’ red.
  2. Civics lesson - there are only 100 senators not 200. Nice try. Also from the article: “Frank has served on Signature's board for three years and has received more than $1 million in payments from the bank during that time.” “And though he said he would vote against the measure, Frank said it would not help the biggest Wall Street banks and denied it would increase the risks of another financial crisis.” Your selections from the article are fascinating coming from someone that has spent the better part of the week whining about ol’ Tuck. Very well done!
  3. Yeah, but Norway doesn’t even require covid vax to enter the country so those people are selfish and stupid to start with. Now young people may be denied their right to experience buyer’s remorse over a bad transition decision. F Norway.
  4. Canadian hero that did everything right. Prayers up that the two days of fever and mild sore throat weren’t too much to battle through.
  5. https://twitter.com/cnbc/status/1634276928134828049?s=46&t=m9ymghRhnmwx_2PyTkQGCw Did you know that he’s a fascist and is worse than Trump?
  6. Nice to see that someone understands that we are still in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. You go girl/guy!!
  7. Observing you in action makes me depressed thinking about retirement. You make it seem like it SUCKS (your hunt for NAZIS being the exception. That seems kind of fun).
  8. I wonder what this genius considers “lawful speech”. 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦
  9. This is absolute brilliance. You are not overly sharp. You might want to consider learning the difference between a contraceptive (the banning of which is the topic that has everyone buzzing) and an abortifacient. Or just continue making yourself look uneducated. Either way.
  10. His speech has been abnormal his entire life. by all accounts, it has actually improved. - redhawk earlier this week. Can you imagine typing this and expect to be taken seriously? 🤦‍♂️🤦
  11. It probably would have sometime in the last two years when dems had TOTAL CONTROL OF WASHINGTON if it weren’t for those damn republicans.
  12. I don’t know how you car-owning white people can sleep at night. Sad!!
  13. This take makes me long for your contraception-ban thread. Can’t believe that hot button issue went cold already.
  14. As seen on this board virtually around the clock there are people that cannot possibly get enough TRUMP. Oddly enough they are all “progressives”.
  15. How about this: I suspect neither of them would reflexively defend that sort of behavior. That sets them well apart from you.
  16. Do you think “real progressives” that you admire like Webb and Kaine would reflexively defend someone like AOC when she craps all over common folk? I’m just trying to figure out where you fit in re: “real progressives”.
  17. Was. No she uses the status she has gained to crap on those of the bartender strata. Just because her behavior in this matter is repellent nobody is telling you not to defend it. It’s not like you haven’t advertised the sort of person you are well before now. Did you ever state why you feel you have earned “the right” to refer to another as an uncle tom?
  18. This is what happens when you become slave to a political party rather than have any core values. You rush to the defense of an elite crapping all over those she sees as beneath her. Why?
  19. She’s either smart for getting people to pay her way or a complete dumbass for thinking she could keep it all under wraps. Who’s to say? Either way, she seems like a real champion of the little people. A fine liberal indeed. Ever caring! The documents also show that AOC was billed $1,300 for her dress, but her staff was able to cut $1,100 cut off the price tag, along with getting the price of her $635 shoes knocked down by listing them as rentals, too, the Mail reported. The socialist then failed to pay back thousands of dollars in bills from the Gala night, including $344.85 in makeup costs that had to be passed on to a collections agency as “extremely overdue.” She also took so long to pay back $477.73 for hair styling that a a rep for the stylist “reached out to her staff and said ‘it would look terrible if we had to file a complaint with the NY Dept of Labor against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,'” the Mail reported. It took her nearly a year to pay that bill, Business Insider reported. And it took eight months for her to pay more than $1,000 for transportation that was footed by Conde Nast, and she took nearly a year to pay $4,602.92 in bills at the Carlisle Hotel from the evening, according to the Post. “In addition, a publicist associated with the company that supplied Ocasio-Cortez with her rental items — a gown, a handbag and shoes — provided a final invoice to the campaign staffer in September 2021 for about $990, but it went unpaid for months. The company then identified in April that $5,579.99 worth of unpaid goods and services had been provided to Ocasio-Cortez and her partner for the event, the report said,” NBC News reported. https://www.dailywire.com/news/aoc-exposed-for-the-extraordinary-hypocrite-she-truly-is It seems on first read that she’s sh*tting on people left and right here but she’s probably just a victim of others incompetence. Kind of like how Biden had all those classified documents accidentally spilled on him. These people cannot catch a break.
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