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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Reminiscent of you whining about Taibbi without being able to point to a single piece of his reporting that was false. That’s different though. Right?
  2. This is going to knock the “republicans are banning contraceptives” story off the front page for sure.
  3. The left only embraces these things out of goodness.
  4. It’s Tiberius level dimwittedness to believe justice, in the American legal system, is blind. You can chase your Trump demons all day long. I actually recommend it. I’m just commenting on the naivety of your comment.
  5. Not at all. It’s just hard to believe someone of your age would type something so foolish and naive. Should be blind. Isn’t remotely the case.
  6. Get back to us if you uncover “misinformation” that he has foisted on the public. I’m prepared to wait a while.
  7. I’m familiar with his reporting going back to his more liberal days. So you can’t point to anything he has reported that is false, only stuff that you don’t like. Figured as much.
  8. Can you point to something specifically that Taibbi has reported on that you find to be “misinformation”?
  9. The American people have spoken unanimously through their elected representatives and have decided that all information relative to Covid origins should be declassified. Joe Biden, a good American President, as of yet has not signed off on this unanimous declaration. Will one of his fans here come to his defense on this?
  10. Redtail has told us BY ALL ACCOUNTS he’s a better speaker today than in days gone by. There’s no arguing with ALL ACCOUNTS.
  11. More on the latest load of crap from this good American president and decent man. It must be Trump making him do this.
  12. Government efficiency at work. Gotta love it! Also…
  13. I would love it for you to cite an example. You must have some in mind. Hopefully something similar to the Barney Frank non-employee/1M garbage you are running with.
  14. It would probably be easier to stop being disingenuous. Does ol’ red have it in him? Rhetorical question.
  15. You attempted to paint a picture of Barney. That you did it so feebly is an ol’ red problem born of your need to reflexively defend your team under every circumstance. Seems weird to me but there’s no harm in calling out hypocrisy when we see it.
  16. Seems odd that you won’t speak to why you left out the tidy sum of 1M angle. Particularly so after spending the better part of a week whining about ol’ tuck. It borders on hypocritical don’t you think? Much easier to use a laughing emoji than to do any self reflection. Carry on.
  17. Or Barney Frank. You know, the guy that made 1M over three years from the failing bank as a “non-employee”. Maybe you saw the story.
  18. Wouldn’t a demonstration of leadership have included taking questions from the free press that you hold so dear? Seems kind of Putin-y to just run off like that. The Big Guy should move to Russia.
  19. Yesterday you made sure to highlight that Barney Frank was a “non-employee” of the troubled bank but did not care to mention that the same article referred to him pulling in 1M from that bank in a three year period. Why did you see the first point as relevant but not the second?
  20. I didn’t proofread my own stuff just now. 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦
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