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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. How about the idiots on here that think there is a contraception ban in the works or that civil war is going to break out? Remember those comments? LOL.
  2. It seems like there is quite a bit to do. Having been under one party rule for decade after decade can we begin to point the finger at the policies enacted by that party?
  3. You paint yourself as an erudite 1%er yet you spend inordinate amounts of time on a message board spewing non sequiturs as if they were pearls of wisdom, calling people names as though you are a middle schooler, using un-clever monikers like Gym, and allying yourself with individuals such as Tiberius and Billstime. Where did it start going wrong for you? Was it the night Hillary lost?
  4. That won’t acknowledge his young granddaughter exists. Truly the behavior of a “good man”.
  5. 70% of Americans are ingrates that don’t appreciate all that Biden, a good American president and decent man who by all accounts speaks more eloquently now than he did when he was younger and who was victimized by repeated classified document spillage, has done for us. Sad.
  6. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/ 44/37 split. Keystone of liberalism perhaps?
  7. Chicago has been under complete control of democrats forever. Is there something in their governance that just doesn’t work?
  8. Every hour of every day. Perhaps someone will eventually discover a cure. All my best.
  9. My hero? Hardly. See if you can find something in my activity here that would indicate such. I can wait as long as it takes. On the other hand, your obsession? Seems quite clear. Does it gnaw at you that such a buffoon has ingrained himself in every waking hour of your life? It must. Someone that references JD Hill in their handle has missed the boat on dying young. Of course it’s all relative.
  10. Fabulous response Billstime Senior!! Let us only share links and comment on things that personally affect our own lives. wahhh…
  11. How many hours a day do you spend thinking about the orange jackass? Is that really what retirement does to people? Kill me.
  12. All you white people using the gif of the laughing black dude in the suit should be ashamed of yourselves.
  13. Redhawk will be researching a way to pretend to prove Brandon correct but is currently tied up with Trump. For some it’s even a full-time deal. Please give it a few days.
  14. Your personal morphing into Tiberius II is complete. You need do nothing more than continue with posts of this “quality”.
  15. Limited scientific evidence of physical advantage. Why won’t people just follow the damn science already? I know some here are fond of NPR. Probably because of this sort of sober analysis. 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  16. Good work. Stay strong. Civil war and a lack of condoms are nigh.
  17. You are a gun-toter. Be vigilant. I ask that you stop clutching the pearls so vigorously and use two hands on your weapon. Meanwhile I will go about my business as absolutely NOTHING comes of it. Much like the NAZI day of hate and the republican contraception ban that has gathered so much steam. I have a gun too just in case.
  18. Thank heavens Snopes weighed in three months ago with the definitive word. We can all move along knowing this decent man would have never… Start an art thread. Might give you a diversion from TRUMP/OL’ TUCK/DESANTIS.
  19. Please keep in mind that this doesn’t personally affect anyone here so nobody should care. It only affects actual women that have worked their bal……asses off to excel in their field while expecting a level playing field. They need to stop whining, check their privilege, and man up. Wait…
  20. His speech has been abnormal his entire life. by all accounts, it has actually improved. - redhawk two weeks ago. 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦
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