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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Do you expect the democrat controlled senate to defy a good American president? Could be that Schumer and crew are upset that Biden negotiated after months of saying he wouldn’t.
  2. What is the republican plan to fix this?? Also - the last republican mayor in Philadelphia ended his term over 70 years ago.
  3. Kudos to Joe for being funny in that clip. I’m just sorry that the granddaughter he won’t acknowledge the existence of will never get the chance to share a laugh with her grandfather. I hear he’s a decent man though.
  4. One would have hoped that corporate leadership had more concern for their employees and stockholders before alienating their customers. Free market I guess. You support free enterprise, right?
  5. Not happening. You’re a grown man, ostensibly. You don’t need the protection of strangers from words and memes that displease you. Neither do I. I will continue to wade through the repetitive boredom some like to engage in.
  6. And you are following suit. The commies bit is tiresome, boring, and like something those idiots would do. Do yourself a favor.
  7. Don’t be so mentally weak. Just scroll past what you don’t want to read. It’s so easy that even lil billsy, Tibs, and redhawk can do it.
  8. Yes. Redhawk has told us that BY ALL ACCOUNTS he is more eloquent now than he was as a younger man. I personally have not seen even one account stating such but am happy to take your word for it along with that of redhawk.
  9. https://www.investors.com/etfs-and-funds/sectors/bud-light-boycott-already-costs-anheuser-busch-15-7-billion/ Bud Light agrees.
  10. You undoubtedly believe this clever and interesting. You are mistaken.
  11. “I don’t care about this topic. Quick, let me post on it”.
  12. No rush. The walls be closing but it’s an excruciatingly slow process.
  13. He had just come from hiking some trails and was likely disoriented being in the city. I hear hiking trails are just teeming with NAZIS.
  14. Tiberius is in the region. As an avid cheerleader for Brandon’s Border Bonanza I’m sure he will be put his money where his typing fingers are and head over there to volunteer.
  15. Why does this good American president and decent man lie so much? I guess it’s tough to break a 50+ year habit.
  16. https://open.substack.com/pub/andrewsullivan/p/the-queers-versus-the-homosexuals-cfd?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Very interesting column. I’m sure there’s at least a couple here that will view Andrew Sullivan (of all people) as a hate-filled simp/idiot. Then the queers upped the ante and did something we gays never did: they targeted children. If they could get into kids’ minds, bodies and souls from the very beginning of their lives, they could abolish the sex binary from the ground up. And so they got a pliant, woke educational establishment to re-program children from the very start, telling toddlers that any single one of them could be living in the wrong body, before they could even spell. Kindergartners were told to pick a pronoun, and thereby a sex, as soon as they arrived. Endless kiddie books reiterated the ***** theory mantra about gender: “You can be a girl or a boy or both or neither or something else entirely!” And if the sex the child chose did not match their physical body, they were told they could just change it — and change it back if needed — no questions asked. Fun! If a boy said he was a girl, or vice-versa, it was in fact unethical to ask any further questions. From now on, he was a girl. Parents? A problem to be overcome.
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