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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. He won’t acknowledge the existence of his own granddaughter either. Perhaps it’s as simple as the guy is just plain indecent. There’s enough on the record to think as much.
  2. Before June is out the old boy will have reverted back to the Iraq story. It’s the only way he’s ever known. Lying is oxygen for him.
  3. What a DeSaster. Genghis Ron couldn’t even get “don’t say gay” right. They’re flocking to Florida! Next thing you know black people will be showing up despite all the dangers the NAACP has warned about.
  4. The Dodgers should invite this segment of society to be recognized at the stadium. The SUNY-Amherst’s of the world approve.
  5. Yeah, I chose one of a thousand different writings on the topic. Good that you took a moment to read. That’s unlike most of your board mates. Kudos!
  6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kylesmith/2013/11/08/modern-democrats-would-view-john-f-kennedy-as-a-reaganite-extremist/ One of a thousand articles. If you believe JFK aligns with today’s democrats that makes you an army of one. Carry on soldier!
  7. Jack Kennedy was a good D. I believe he would be in despair over the state of the party now.
  8. Nobody here should care as this does not affect anyone other than the ladies getting trucked by this dude.
  9. Did I miss a previous instance of a MLB team celebrating garish, crucifix grinding man-nuns? If so, bad on me.
  10. I feel like SUNY-Amherst didn’t cover rhetorical questions. You should be offended. It’s a very simple matter of right vs wrong. There’s no place for celebrating religious bigotry.
  11. It’s ok when people speak out against something that is clearly wrong. Man-nuns being honored is clearly wrong. No need whatsoever to equivocate over this freak show. Do you think there might be some outcry from your side if they were grinding on the Koran? It’s a rhetorical question.
  12. Would a freedom lover not get offended if a baseball team invited NAMBLA or any other “minor attracted persons” organization for recognition? Minor attracted person…isn’t that a term many on your side prefer to use in place of pedophile? You seem to be on the side of inviting and celebrating any sick freaks that demand such. Whatever suits you, big boy.
  13. Absolutely. While a freedom lover myself, I don’t see where celebrating man-nuns grinding on a crucifix would be considered celebrating a “walk of life”. Those people are abhorrent freaks that should be left on the fringes where they belong. Different strokes I guess.
  14. Is there any line you wouldn’t cross re: “inviting customers from all walks of life”? Clearly you are good with the garish man-nuns that grind on the crucifix. You seem by your words here to be a homophobe so that’s an interesting situation.
  15. “I don’t like this. Quick, let me whine about whining” gene f
  16. It’s just a rainbow! That and dressing as garish nuns and grinding on a crucifix. Hasn’t that always been part of baseball? Why are these players such bigots?
  17. It’s going to be fun watching this guy “lead”. Good work, Chicagoans!
  18. For someone afraid of the unvaccinated in your church that was very brave of you to travel to the hellhole that is Florida in the time of covid. Impressive! Did you happen to see any goose-steppers on Main Street in St Augustine?
  19. I’m willing to be convinced. Was there a chorus declaring Tommy Doyle a reach in the fifth round?
  20. Like the broken board lefties who wake up thinking of the orange man. There’s no such thing as too much.
  21. How many innocents on both sides have to die under Joe Biden’s reign? Sad.
  22. Johnson was on target. In the intervening SIXTY years, whitey has run amok with the hate crimes! And don’t even get me started on the NAZIS/Main Street goose-steppers around every corner. There’s not a single narrative from the old white people leading the left that you don’t take hook, line, and sinker. Also, can you fill us in on which group you identify with? Is it the anti-zionists or the anti-semites? You seem like a parody account.
  23. Yes and there’s a good chance Freedom Caucus members vote against. Will house dems defy Biden? Surely some will but the dems can’t risk non-passage.
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