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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Here’s how bad it is. Not one of this board’s Biden Administration apologists have stepped in here to defend her in well over a year. That’s because it’s not possible. She’s a laughingstock.
  2. Have you watched her attempt to speak in the last two years? Your comment makes it appear unlikely. She’s an embarrassment the instant she opens her mouth. Vapid doesn’t begin to describe it.
  3. Imagine for a moment that the internet persona of your ideological doppelgänger, li’l billsy, actually represents his true, outward facing “personality” (yes, scare quotes in this instance). Now let’s imagine that he’s representative of the typical younger male democrat. What sort of woman do you think might find that attractive and desirable? I’ll give you a couple hints.
  4. First summer of chaos. 2020 must have been a practice run.
  5. What are your thoughts on why this decent human being will not acknowledge the existence of his young, innocent granddaughter? Is it something that Trump makes him do?
  6. I guess this is supposed to be a clever rejoinder. If so, you need to do some brushing up. I’m here to help. All you have to do is ask.
  7. You should. Always nice to know where one stands on matters of discriminatory beliefs. Particularly one who makes a habit of throwing around disparaging epithets.
  8. I understand that you believe someone’s political beliefs and interpretation of the constitution allow you to use disparaging racial comments about them if you are in disagreement. That’s not really my cup of tea but as the kids say - u do u. Did you ever clear up for the board membership which group you align with re: antisemites/antizionists?
  9. As one who feels comfortable throwing “Uncle Tom” around and walking the anti-Semite vs anti-Zionist tightrope, this is certainly good news for you.
  10. Groundbreaking observation. Stunning in its relevance. Please accept my thanks on behalf of the board membership.
  11. My company which supplies the hardware that keeps Ukraine in the fight and occasionally serves Americans too, is backward racially though ver forward thinking when it comes to lgbtqia2s+ or whatever acronym Trudeau could not spit out yesterday. Anyway, it sounds very nice. Please promise that you will take precautions. You are likely to encounter black Americans. As we all know, that is a group with significant vaccine hesitancy. I’m not worried about you getting deadly coronavirus from them but per your description these people are stupid and selfish. Please be careful out there.
  12. Are you saying the big guy himself is responsible?? That can’t be right.
  13. This sounds like a good idea. Do any of the Joe fans here think he, or more likely someone that can navigate a book, will read aloud for the kids? If not, why not?
  14. It was spilled there accidentally most likely by a staffer sometime over the course of many years. Hard to pinpoint because others made this happen to Biden so many times.
  15. In related news the sun will set in the west tonight - if you can see it through all the Canadian climate change.
  16. No. It was repeated accidental spillage that others made happen to Biden over a period of many years back to his senate days. Why is that so hard to believe?
  17. Got data? Scorecard of comedian interruptions by team? 🤦‍♂️
  18. This is fantastic. How many times have certain posters here linked to this DUZY? Can you say psycho?
  19. I know several here have knocked you for reading comprehension. I guess that’s on SUNY-Amherst. Are you actually trying to claim the people you list as introverts? As your leader would say, c’mon man!
  20. It’s not like it’s a secret. Maybe he should set a positive example and perhaps less of these innocent kids would be shat upon. Will anyone think worse of him? I guess it’s more expedient to have people, people like you perhaps, wave it away.
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