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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You have made the claim. Can you at least show us one example from the year 2023 so no one else has to Google “nazi church”. It seems fair to have that burden on you.
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/29/us/splc-leadership-crisis/index.html The SPLC are certainly experts on racism and sexism. I guess that qualifies them to know about hate as well. All that said no one is telling you not to quote them or cite them. You should keep doing it.
  3. Nazis are coming off the hiking trails and goose stepping double-time to Miami. Very scary!
  4. If he gives the money back I think that makes it ok. If he still has the full amount. I’m sure he had to pay the uhaul guys that packed up all his classified stuff.
  5. Partisan hacks trying to silence LGBTQIA2S+ womxn of color. Sad!
  6. Fact checkers on the job “President Biden was not on a lawn when he spoke to Air Force graduates and Army troops. We rate this zero Pinocchios”.
  7. This only hurts the real women that trained for the event. Unless one of you was in the event nobody here should care. Move along already.
  8. I’m sorry about your inability to pay attention to detail but that’s not on me. I’m not used to playing middle school games with grown men (apologies for assuming gender) so I will bow out now. Hopefully you will have an hour or two this afternoon without the orange menace foremost in your mind. All my best.
  9. You : answer the question Me : answers the question You: too clueless to see the answer Me: you are too clueless to see the answer You: biscuit wtf?
  10. The only reason you are still waiting is that you apparently don’t read very well. Perhaps you are another graduate of SUNY_Amerst. If you are unable to find my comment that reads along the lines of “of course he did” let me know and I will help. My bad for assuming you could read critically with all the excitement around the walls be closed. My dancing skills are in line with your reading skills. Not good.
  11. Maybe they all live in Florida. You can go to jail for even saying the word “gay” down there!
  12. As the polar opposite of someone like you I am not slave to party. You couldn’t possibly understand.
  13. 2016. There’s an “Einstein” posting on the football side. Any chance that’s you?
  14. I understand that this is beyond your comprehension and that’s fine…the “what about” is the uneven application of justice. Should the republicans one day be back in control (that’s a big if) you may gain an understanding. It may even be enough for you to wonder why you never saw it before (also a big if). I’m a-ok with whatever a judge and jury decide. I imagine if they rule in favor of the bad orange man that broke so many weak-minded people, you might not be ok with the decision.
  15. It’s ok to take them and have them in your possession and store them in your garage if you just give them back. That’s what they tell you when granting a security clearance. Nothing to see here.
  16. I know what working in the classified world is about. Of course he has committed felonies as have your political heroes. Everyone knows that. What people as blind as you are unable to see is the uneven application of “justice”. That’s what annoys so many. While you whine incessantly about others not weighing in on the badness of orange man to your satisfaction, I suspect you have maintained silence on any influence peddling and “espionage” the current crew has participated in. I couldn’t pull the trigger for either of the awful candidates in 2016 and couldn’t possibly vote for either of the two horses asses in 2024 should it be the current front runners. In between I voted in hopes of punishing democrats for their petulance 2016-2020. The petulance (euphemism for lying) of people like Adam Schiff. Petulance that the Kemp’s of the world couldn’t get enough of and are ready to lap up even more of when it’s served to them.
  17. The only reason you would be waiting for this is your own blindness. Virtually everyone on this board that is a “supporter” knows Trump is a turd. They also know that he won a free and fair election over one of the worst politicians in history and this fact so broke democrats and people like you that the next four years were spent trying to undo that election by whatever means necessary. The Kemp’s of the world cheered that behavior on. Wouldn’t America have been better served by the democrats just focusing on winning the next election without all the dramatics?
  18. Democrats controlled public schools even in your day. They failed you. Miserably.
  19. Luckily Hunter B had no access. God only knows what that junkie loser would do with classified information.
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