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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. It was just a 20 year old nerd outsmarting the entire security apparatus by running across a rooftop within eyesight of a large group of people. Can we just move on?
  2. The reliable mainstream media carrying water like a mthrf*r. It’s nothing new but seems to have gone to the next level.
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/07/30/kamala-harriss-powerful-laughter-face-weirdness/ lolol The sound and sight of Vice President Kamala D. Harris laughing carries confidence, strength and a peek into her own humanity. Sometimes it’s a laughter that fills an uncomfortable silence.
  4. Finally something you can speak to with authority. That took quite a while.
  5. As usual, you typed a bunch of horsesh*t that completely misses the mark. Shocking. I do want that. The guy isn’t fit. Everyone other than you knows that. Sadly there are many, many, many like you that have a strong need to defend a lie. He occasionally elicits a laugh. You do not.
  6. You seem a little worked up. I assume you still want to convince another person somewhere on the planet that the guy you watched “debate” for 90 minutes is mentally fit. That’s a heavy carry. All my best in your fruitless pursuit. This is starting to remind me of when your fellow ideologue Redhawk was insistent in claiming he went to school with Susan Collins. To use the hot theme of the day that everyone is so crazy about - very weird.
  7. Your exact words “he’s mentally fit” and more recently “mentally fit - yes”. Laughable to anyone with eyes and ears. You don’t even believe it but your political preferences demand that you dig in. Very odd. Edit to address your edit - you seem a little defensive over your repeated insistence that Joe Biden is mentally fit. Easy enough to understand. There’s never been a more foolish statement.
  8. What is it that prevents you from admitting you sh*t the bed with your repeated claims of mental fitness? Everyone knows it’s not true. You know it’s not true.
  9. What do you believe was the intention of the reliable WaPo to go with that headline and a picture of mourning people that was clearly not reflective of the headline? Surely they had a reason. Tell us what it was.
  10. Too smart to say “he’s mentally fit”. Pete and everyone else on the planet -1 are in the same boat.
  11. The people lapping this up are at the very intersection of lol and smh.
  12. Again with the awareness! You are absolutely on fire.
  13. Your many claims that people are only upset with the border disaster is because they hate brown-skinned people is the equivalent of Frankish insisting Biden is mentally fit. Embarrassing and pathetic in every way.
  14. The sh*tshow at the border that you declare a matter of skin color is responsible for no life at all for the young lady in Georgia and the mother of 6 out for a jog in Maryland.
  15. Awareness is a thing. You will probably develop some once you set melodrama to the side.
  16. Change kdiggz to roundy, government to republicans, and then look in the mirror. Good heavens, kid.
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