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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. No. I’m sure they are making it up. A good American president would never tell so many falsehoods. Go Joe, go! away
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/21/politics/fact-check-biden-guns-africa/index.html Some excerpts: Biden’s claim is false. Biden’s claims that a stabilizing brace turns a pistol into a gun and increases the caliber of a gun or bullet are false. Biden’s claim is false, as CNN and other fact-checkers have previously noted. Biden’s claim is false. Biden’s claim is false. It’s not true that every single environmental organization had endorsed Biden. This is false. Biden’s “70%” figure is not close to correct. Biden’s claim that he has visited Afghanistan and Iraq “30-some times” is false – the latest in a long-running series of exaggerations about his visits to the two countries. Biden’s “17,000 miles” claim remains false. Biden has not traveled anywhere close to 17,000 miles with Xi, The old boy, who I am told is a good American president and decent man, has been having a bit of a cage match with the truth. Also, but Trump.
  3. Be ever vigilant. The bad maga people are coming for you. Probably in the middle of the night. or maybe on a hiking trail
  4. “It’s always been known the laptop is authentic. It’s what’s ON the laptop that is not to be believed”. - next argument from goose
  5. Neither the Steele Dossier nor the contents of Hunter's laptop should be taken as true. Edited Wednesday at 02:24 PM by ChiGoose In case anyone needs a good laugh this morning. That said, we all regret hitting “send” on occasion. Nevertheless…
  6. Among the dozen or so people that post here, has anyone defended that behavior from the orange menace? I don’t think so. Why you want to defend a creep like Biden, because Trump, is anyone’s guess. When it comes to voting there are limited choices and generally requires holding one’s nose while pulling the lever. Doesn’t mean it’s a defense of hideous behavior.
  7. False! He apparently once saw a YouTube video about churches displaying nazi flags.
  8. The things that you take the time to respond to
  9. If you are going to be the guy standing up for Joe Biden’s behavior around women and girls it’s good that you have a military background. You will be an army of one. Dude has been a creep his entire public life.
  10. 98% of your posts include negative comments towards those that don’t march to your drum. What are you trying to accomplish by posting this?
  11. Wouldn’t one have to be a bit of a conspiracy theorist at this point to discount the contents of the crackhead computer? Let me guess…Giuliani the Genius planted it. I thought you were the board’s herald of logic and common sense. Good heavens man! In all seriousness, thank you for an absolute classic take. It’s really something.
  12. We just have to trust the experts. Also - it’s called mpox. Calling it otherwise is unbridled hatred, literal genocide or something like that.
  13. They would likely start by flying balloons loaded out with surveillance equipment over the US mainland from coast to coast and the president will declare that it was an accident and Xi and or Putin were likely uninformed of the matter. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4055470-biden-on-chinese-spy-balloon-embarrassing/
  14. He’s got Kamala Harris a heartbeat from the presidency. By your own admission you haven’t paid much attention to her. If you believe what you state above, you need to.
  15. More importantly - what did the Dodgers accomplish by celebrating religious bigotry?
  16. If you come across a Ukrainian Pride flag please let us know. They may have more important things going on but that doesn’t mean they can’t be an ally.
  17. All you have to add to your repertoire of replies is a few “why do you hate America”s and “you should move to Russia”s and you will become not necessarily a high-brow Tiberius, but a higher-brow Tiberius. I occasionally use Listerine but generally prefer something less medicine-y.
  18. In Latin, non sequitur means "it does not follow." The phrase was borrowed into English in the 1500s by people who made a formal study of logic. For them, it meant a conclusion that does not follow from the statements that lead to it.
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