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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Not mentioned in the legalese whatsoever. Why pretend it is?
  2. “BY ALL ACCOUNTS he communicates more clearly now than he did as a younger man” - redhawk
  3. This is similar to your claim about nazi flags flying in churches. That one you couldn’t back up (obvious from the get-go). Bible thumpers are the mass shooters? Is this a claim you can back up?
  4. He’s lost a little off his fastball. On the other hand redhawk has told us that BY ALL ACCOUNTS he communicates more clearly now than when he was younger.
  5. So your prior description of haters does not apply to your board buddy? Seems like it might fit him to a t. Being so ideologically aligned that must leave you in an uncomfortable position. NAZIS/Klan/soccer mommies around every corner. Be careful out there!
  6. Now apply every word of what you just typed to your ideological teammate, li’l billsy.
  7. HATE GROUP!! Laughable. You are free to hate the hate group. The SPLC doesn’t get by on its good looks you know. Donations are always welcome.
  8. Unlike the two of you, I don’t grab for the pearls every time a person or group makes an objectionable comment. I prefer to look at the entirety of the matter. Despite his, yours, and the SPLC’s hysterics , these bags are as far from NAZIS as is possible. Then again, those NAZI bastards are around every corner aren’t they? I know you are big on using grifter as a descriptor. What do you think the SPLC is?
  9. The simple fact that they’ve pegged a group of soccer moms as a “hate group” gives total lie to your statement.
  10. From the number of replies in this thread I suspect someone is quite triggered/unhinged. In that person’s defense I will say that soccer moms, while frequently easy on the eye, can be rather annoying.
  11. With Pride Month almost over I’m starting to look forward to Pridesgiving and Pridesmas. Seems far off but it will be here before we know it.
  12. Absolutely! My neighbors and fellow townspeople are borderline giddy over it all!
  13. Yes, this is an absolute scourge. So many people are complaining about sex when they see gay people existing. You have zeroed in on moms for liberty and their push at schools. Not a bit of what you have shown confirms your redhawk-like over the top claim. Who are the other “so many people” complaining about sex because gay people exist?
  14. You are veering into redhawk territory. Why can’t you make your point without such ridiculous hyperbole?
  15. I’m focused on your claim that so many people immediately think about sex when they see two guys holding hands. It seems like something that’s in your head that you want to believe. Your reason for believing it is apparently that moms for liberty were trying to put the kibosh on a couple yearbook pages.
  16. A parent posted on Facebook = so many complaining about sex when guys hold hands. A reasonable and measured equivalence. 🤦‍♂️
  17. Can you point out some of the “so many” complaining about sex? Sounds made up.
  18. That’s spectacular! I knew there was a reason I didn’t care for him I just couldn’t put my finger on it until 30+ years later. Such a bigot!! edit - 50 years. Kill me already
  19. Unconditional love except for that little b*tch of a granddaughter he won’t acknowledge.
  20. I want to make sure I understand you. Is it your thinking that the millions flying around from foreign entities was in no way related to having access to one of Washington’s power players? If not, what was Hunter, the non-government guy, providing in exchange? Art?
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