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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. She seems awful in comparison to you. On the other hand, your version of Christianity clearly has no reservations about being judgemental. Interesting situation but let’s get back to your caring nature. You must be horrified at the treatment of brown immigrants at the hands of the Biden administration. It’s like kids in cages on steroids. Makes me wonder why AOC hasn’t been down to the border to bring attention to the matter.
  2. Biological woman = hate speech. Obviously. Why couldn’t this student just do as she was told? COMPLY ALREADY!!!
  3. Why are people so pessimistic about the direction the country is going? Let me guess - the guy that has been out of office 2.5 years. https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/507950/confidence-governments-lowest.aspx But after President Joe Biden took office, confidence in government slipped to 40% in 2021 and again to 31% in 2022. This is on par with the lowest rates of confidence measured in the U.S. government since Gallup started tracking it globally in 2006 -- with the other lows measured in 2013, 2016 and 2018 under former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump. #adult
  4. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/biden-bummer-confidence-in-america-dragged-to-lowest-point “After President Joe Biden took office, confidence in government slipped to 40% in 2021 and again to 31% in 2022. This is on par with the lowest rates of confidence measured in the U.S. government since Gallup started tracking it globally in 2006,” the pollster said. What’s more, foreign confidence in Biden’s leadership is low. “Declining domestic confidence in the U.S. government has occurred alongside declining approval ratings on the world stage. Median global approval of U.S. leadership slipped to 41% in 2022, down from 45% in 2021 during Biden’s first year in office,” Gallup said. For perspective, Venezuelans have the same confidence in their government as Americans do in the Biden administration, Gallup said. Not exactly sure what “it” is but he’s definitely killing something. Go Joe, go! away
  5. How about the dopes that have “We the People” as their message board avatar? You know, like the one you are responding to here?
  6. Your prior comment, which you cannot back up, was: I was on YouTube the other day and I saw a video by the epic times where they were trying to make this scenario of a parent suggesting a child might feel better if they were a different gender. This does not happen. This is the type of ***** that the right puts out for fear mongering. Now the argument is “show me the sex change surgery”. Weak.
  7. Noted right wing media entity NPR disagrees. Maybe it stopped happening in 2015 when this was published. https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/07/04/419498242/at-age-3-transitioning-from-jack-to-jackie Also: https://www.insider.com/how-my-toddler-came-out-as-trans-to-our-family-2021-9?amp And: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/my-girl-became-youngest-trans-20138358.amp It doesn’t happen except for when it happens. https://www.foxnews.com/media/parents-defend-child-transitions-pbs-transgender-before-she-could-even-speak
  8. Anti-oil people are probably upset that gay people exist. Gay people existing has really set off quite a firestorm. Who knew?
  9. What’s the thought process by which you came up with such an idiotic and disingenuous mantra? You can repeat it over and over as you have done but who is going to buy it? It’s beyond absurd.
  10. No need to get the lawyers involved. It’s common for the redhawks of the world to be so anxious to rebut something they don’t like that there is a rush to post without having any knowledge at all. Enjoy the coffee
  11. From the Bloomberg article: Northeast includes: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, D.C., Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York Purposefully vague in order to make a sensationalized statement….lol/smh
  12. Why do you think this incredible human being now says things along the lines of “I didn’t shut anything down”? It’s a Biden-level falsehood.
  13. Yeah, it’s got nothing to do with mental illness and being a sociopath. It’s bad church people that made him do it. Probably the kind of church people that bring nazi flags with them to Sunday Service. Nice use of the facts/feelings bit. At least you have a sense of humor.
  14. Will you at least try? Dude was a sick fk in every way imaginable and you want to blame churchgoers for it? You make these ridiculous claims and can’t back them up at all. It’s clear that you don’t care for the churchy side of things but if you are going to continue with outlandish claims you may first want to give Proverbs 17:28 a look.
  15. Do the parents only say “no, he/she is perfect” as in the picture you paint? While incredibly sad and tragic, is the number of 12 year olds with suicidal thoughts so great that the caring lawmakers of California need to cut the parents out of the decision making process? It’s clear that you have struggled with the reading of the new law. It states that any child need not be a danger to themselves or anyone else to bypass the parents. Why are you ignoring that part and instead going with the suicide angle?
  16. In your world California lawmakers and bureaucrats ride to the rescue and remove the decision making from the hands of the parents. You find that suitable. I don’t.
  17. Twice in the last few minutes you declared you are fine with cutting parents out of the loop. For 12 year old children.
  18. You are the one making the Bible thumping killers claim. Why don’t you tell us how many?
  19. California to parents - “we know better than you what is good for your 12 yo” Redhawk to California parents - “yeah”
  20. So as the new law states a TWELVE YEAR OLD can make their own mental health decisions even when they are not a danger to themselves or others nor are they a victim of abuse. You are good with California telling parents to sit this one out? For preteens?
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