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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Just want to make sure I understand where you are coming from. It now appears you wait for solid evidence rather than engaging in supposition based on common sense and logic. Particularly so when it relates to a 50 year creature of Washington. Seems at odds with many of your other posts. Consistency is overrated though.
  2. You don’t want to trust your well-known logic here for some reason. Seems out of character.
  3. You are going with Hunter Biden, crackhead loser, tricked multiple foreign entities out of $17M and they were most likely stunned to learn they were left holding the bag. That’s something! Please reconsider the next time you intend to play the logic and common sense cards. They don’t work when your main impulse is to reflexively defend a 50 year creature of Washington.
  4. Let’s move off the bribe, for which there is not currently hard evidence to prove, and consider influence peddling. Does common sense and logic tell you it occurred in exchange for 17,000,000? Or was it just Hunter’s people skills that reeled that in? Did he dupe the world? I’m trying to figure exactly where we should GTFO with facts and logic as you apply them.
  5. Hunter Biden, a delinquent, was able to squeeze $17,000,000 from foreign entities with them getting absolutely nothing in return other than Hunter talking up what his father might be able to do. Your position is that Hunter Biden outsmarted all these foreign entities to the tune of 17M? Many times you have painted yourself here as the arbiter of common sense and logic. This makes sense to you? This is logical?
  6. The IRS whistleblower revealed that 17 million was delivered to the Bidens from foreign sources and you would like people to believe that it’s from the business acumen of a crackhead that cannot keep track of his guns, taxes, or computers and is independent of his relationship with a Washington power player of the last 50 years. This is logic and facts to you as indicated with your use of “GTFO with that logic and facts”? Do I have that right? Rhetorical question. You were making more sense when you were on your “so many people are talking about sex because gay people exist” routine. GTFO. The dems never missed a chance to get their Trump itch scratched. What do the facts and logic say about them not looking into Kushner when they had total control of government for two years?
  7. https://www.politico.eu/article/ben-cohen-ukraine-war-russia-blames-america-ben-and-jerrys/ When Russian President Vladimir Putin sent tanks rolling on Kyiv, Cohen didn’t focus his ire on the Kremlin; a group he funds published a full-page ad in the New York Times blaming the act of aggression on “deliberate provocations” by the U.S. and NATO. I don’t care that Cohen is no longer involved with the company. Both he and B&J’s hate democracy and should move to Russia! I will help them pack.
  8. 100M seems like a lot. Never expected QAnon (is that how it’s spelled/stylized?) to have that kind of dough when they are spending it all on insurrection, twinkies and Bud lig…craft beer.
  9. In many African American communities "Uncle Tom" is a slur used to disparage a black person who is humiliatingly subservient or deferential to white people. This is what now passes for “giving an opinion”? A truly pathetic attempt to justify your demeaning words. Racial slur = giving an opinion the latest redhawk gem
  10. And you feel you are accomplished enough in life to get away with calling him an Uncle Tom.
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/media/detransitioned-boy-castrated-by-doctors-warns-kids-about-perils-of-gender-affirming-care Another case of buyers remorse as one prolific poster here calls it. 13 yo with emotional struggles? Here kid, take these puberty blockers. You’ll be fine.
  12. Who cares? The women used to competing against other women even in a juiced state? Why should they have to compete against a man? Can you answer that rather straightforward question?
  13. Someone so schooled (self-taught) in bluster cannot be let off easily. NK looks delightful! Reminds me of the scenery in the canyon.
  14. https://www.forbes.com/sites/avidan/2019/01/16/for-men-gillette-is-no-longer-the-best-a-brand-can-get/ Long time customer but don’t feel the need to give them my money after they wagged their finger at me. To each his/her/their/xir own.
  15. I’m not boycotting any movies. If there’s something that appeals to me I may go see it or I may not. I don’t think I will have interest in the Snow White reboot and Barbie is touch and go. I do not spend my money on Nike or Gillette products. Thank you for standing guard on this hot button topic. Are you absolutely certain it couldn’t have been North Korea? The thought never occurred to you? Maybe you have too much going on with all your other areas of excellence.
  16. I think we are both confident that you are on the right track with your Top Gun 2 wokeness campaign. I was just asking questions. I typically go to movies to be entertained rather than pick them apart for product placement which is so commonplace that it’s no longer an annoyance to me. Your last comment seems a tad idiotic for someone with your many fields of expertise.
  17. You are fighting the good fight on Top Gun wokeness. Please don’t stop here. It’s all so fascinating. And unusual. Hopefully you will give us the wokeness review on Mission Impossible. Hope I didn’t miss that already.
  18. Now you’re all over the place. You’ve gone from not knowing what it means, to it meaning something on display in Top Gun 2 (you have at least staked out an exclusive spot with that one) to it being about black or gay people getting “white/straight” roles. Maybe you know less than you are letting on. It’s not easy being an expert on so many topics. Hang in there.
  19. Thank you for helping me understand what I watched. Just to be clear, it was definitely Iran/Muslims being the reason for the wokeness of the movie? No way it could have been NoKo/Koreans or China/Chinese, right? Any chance that the movie being made in an era where there’s not much clarity on the #1 geopolitical foe contributed to a nameless enemy for storytelling purposes? And is it really viewed overall as a patriotic American movie? Seems more like an action movie with relationship issues built in. I didn’t even pick up on the flag waving. But again thank you. I now know where to go for expertise on film, small town life, and wokeness.
  20. Could have sworn you’ve expressed confusion over what woke even is. Good for you for wading in and figuring it all out.
  21. This is why I come here. Content like “Top Gun 2 is woke” is literally available nowhere else.
  22. You just completely burst redhawk’s bubble. Now he’s on an island. All my best to the hawk. You seem to know an awful lot about small towns. How so? Have you lived in one? Many? In many different parts of the country? Earlier you made a claim about 95% of them so I am left wondering how you became so knowledgeable on small town culture.
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