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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I was responding to your post, the wording of which could not have been more wrong. Can you admit as much?
  2. His own campaign video? 100% incorrect. Please have another look and adjust your dudgeon accordingly. Good lord.
  3. “Guys, this isn’t evidence. There’s nothing that proves Joe Biden even knows where Ukraine is at this point.” -John from Outer Space
  4. We can revisit the next time you are demanding people call out racists. Should be sometime mid-afternoon.
  5. The Klan is only part racist. This is the sort of content that can only be gotten from a TBD/PPP scoldy Karen. You have outdone yourself with this one.
  6. Part racist….smh. “Rashida Tlaib is only part racist, you know. But that Clarence Thomas, now there’s a jackass” - racisthawk
  7. Nobody is just part racist. Maybe someone of color will label them with a slur you have shown yourself comfortable with and you can cheer that person on.
  8. You have a phrase that you don’t mind using for people like this. It’s two words. Begins with U, ends with m. Go for it. You know you want to. It’s just an opinion after all.
  9. It was an outrageously absurd claim that had zero point to it and you repeated it more than once. It goes in the Hall of Fame of ridiculousness. Sorry. Powerline is operated by some well-respected conservative attorneys. Why don’t you consider broadening your horizons and then come back and tell us what you disagree with from their writings. It will make you appear to be marginally independent and less Tiberius-ish.
  10. Agree. YouTube on the other hand is irrefutable. That’s where I go when I want to learn about nazi flags in churches. 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  11. There was a time when Tiberius was the runaway leader in the dimmest bulb competition. Things are starting to heat up.
  12. Seems like you are interested in going back to a time when it was ok for a white man to throw slurs at a black man or cheer others on as they do it. You are the only person on this board, generally made up of toxic people, that does it. On top of that you try to brush it away as “just an opinion”, all the while playing the righteous indignation card at those that think differently than you do. There’s no splaining someone that behaves as you do. Sick.
  13. Because they are just opinions, right?
  14. Racial slurs are now ok per redhawk. They just need to be directed at people you disagree with. Sick.
  15. A senate committee chaired by democrats voted unanimously to condemn the racist comments towards Clarence Thomas that came from Keith Ellison. You have cheered those comments on. Seems odd that you would be playing the high and mighty role re: racism this morning. Splain.
  16. Two days ago you referred to your own use of a racial slur as “having an opinion”. To quote you, “splain”. also - you are too old to be using splain. Are you also wearing a flat-billed hat pulled over your ears?
  17. I think you should run with the “soccer moms are hate-filled extremists” ball. Someone labeled them after all. At some point you might like to share some of the awful things these ladies have done. Things like looking out for their kids and all. 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  18. And despite being one who likes to say “that’s not evidence” it’s good enough for you. Someone labeled them!
  19. My first exposure was when the President of the United States put a spotlight on him. You should spend less time watching for signs of wokeness in action films and more on current events.
  20. If one had enough time on their hands to review posting histories, it would be clear who spends more of their time thinking of DJT. Don’t be too hard on yourself though. The orange jackass broke weak-minded people coming and going. You’ve got tons of company.
  21. He may be under the impression he can get away with certain things. How he got to possibly thinking that way is anyone’s guess.
  22. One comment and one question: I don’t care for the modern day democrat agenda. If that makes me MAGA or a nazi in your eyes there’s not a lot I can do about that. That’s the comment. You can tell by the punctuation. The question - who do you imagine, you or me, spends more of their day thinking about the hefty orange menace?
  23. Solid content here. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
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