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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Is the Israeli KKK only “part racist” as you have described the stateside Klan?
  2. What’s it like needing to have a boogeyman in your life? The constant spewing of vitriol doesn’t get old for you? Seems sad.
  3. Walls less closed according to CBS radio news at 3 PM
  4. Agree. Thank you for wading through all the crap and taking the lead on meme vetting.
  5. You spend what looks like an inordinate amount of time on one of the most pointless boards imaginable and this is your gripe? Soldier on!
  6. The meme police, at long last, have arrived. Thank you for your service in pursuing truth in memes. Invaluable.
  7. I imagine the CNN’s and NYT’s of the world are all over this bombshell revelation. I will read up on what they have to say and then report back. Please don’t wait up for it. It might take a while.
  8. Hard to actually consider mediaite as media but this is a classic on the level of a redhawk own-goal. “Did the decision to create an “open” category instead of allowing men to crush women shut down a right wing talking point by, you know, doing what the right and any other sane individual has been asking for?” 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  9. Which of those who heavily promoted the vaccine, from Trump to Fauci to Wolensky to Biden, declared “of course vaccines have side effects”? If none, why not?
  10. Nothing to worry about then! A big sigh of relief from all the young people of the world that were at extremely minimal risk to start with.
  11. Are you absolutely certain you lost yesterday? You proved yourself to be very, very poor at math over the last couple days. Exceedingly so. I am happy to review the scorecard. Let me know.
  12. Probably had a maga talking in your backswing. Such a shame! 😁
  13. Just wanted to bump this. An absolute classic self-own. The name calling and MAGA referencing throughout the numerous erroneous posts really put it over the top. Delightful!
  14. You must feel like a real dumbass after the way you carried on.
  15. Next up from the usual suspects - “of course they were in business together. The president wanted to keep his eye on his only surviving son”
  16. Please be careful out there. You could end up not feeling well for a couple days and nobody wants that. Fkng Barbie!!!
  17. The purchase and the spot on the commission are unrelated. It’s just a coincidence. Nothing to see here. Also - but Trump!
  18. I’m calling you out for posting crap and then dancing around it. Carry on. Words don’t matter the way they once did.
  19. You are originating what is commonly called fake news/disinformation and doubling down on it. Your words could not have been more wrong. I imagine you are also one that rails against the need for outrage by those with whom you disagree.
  20. His “own campaign video” were your words. Isn’t it easier to say you got that wrong than have to do a tap dance about gray areas and retweet’s?
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