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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Sure. A trans-warrior like yourself doesn’t know the most publicized trans lightning rod of the decade. Very believable.
  2. I’m sorry that your position is so weak that you have to resort to being wholly disingenuous. It’s better to not respond than be so childish. You are one that would be considered book-smart, correct?
  3. Leah Thomas had no significant physical advantage over women?? Ignore what you want so badly to believe and tell me what you know to be true even though you are not an “expert”. Also, you have told us you are a moral person. Why is it morally ok to put girls in a position that they must compete athletically against males?
  4. What makes one an expert at the state school board level as it relates to letting boys compete against girls? Don’t you care about girls that work hard to excel on a level playing field only to have an “expert” then tilt the field? Why is it ok to sh*t on girls so that one or two anomalous people can feel better by beating them? It makes no sense. Tell me why it’s ok without going to the “expert” crutch.
  5. How about at the high school level or a Leah Thomas situation? Ok with it if the ruling bodies deem it so?
  6. But you are ok with a sporting body ruling against a cis-woman that might have elevated testosterone levels Got it.
  7. Earlier in the thread you were talking down to everyone about a cis-woman not meeting their expectations and now you suggest that criteria centered around testosterone levels and similar seem reasonable. That’s an interesting thing you’ve got going.
  8. Do you support the notion that it is appropriate for those born as male to compete in women’s athletics? It’s ok to say yes or no. You seem reluctant to do so.
  9. “I’m going to prove how little I care by posting about how little I care so that 12 strangers can see”. Nice.
  10. Coming in the next few minutes from good Catholics Roundy, Redhawk, and the like…”Yes! Exactly!”
  11. It takes a biologist. That’s a new thing here in the early part of the 21st century. Prior to that it required no scientific background.
  12. What difference does it make? I have preferences but can keep an open mind and not be slave to a political party. You should consider being a freethinker on occasion rather than an overwrought partisan.
  13. You would have to ask a Trump supporter. Perhaps one will step up to the plate. In the meantime I will laugh at the absurdity of the premise that “Harris’ Gaza stance could win back young climate voters”. Those inclined to lap it up are encouraged to do so.
  14. “Gender assignment at birth” has never been used in a conversational way until the last few years. Everyone knows that.
  15. Do you support people assigned male at birth competing athletically against those assigned female at birth? Having to type “assigned at birth” is something never required prior to the last few years. Kill me.
  16. Apparently you believe these “mistakes” are to be catered to. Better someone be physically injured than another get their feelings hurt. Right?
  17. Therapy perhaps? Intensive, extensive therapy. Anything short of permanently altering bodies, being rejected by society, and subsequently being 12-13x more likely to attempt suicide. Is this really that difficult for you to comprehend? Hard to believe a moral person like yourself is so willing to send others into that sort of grinder. Sad.
  18. Your point is it’s because other people are unaccepting. I can agree with that in part. It doesn’t change the attempted suicide rate does it? Perhaps as a “moral” person you should encourage avenues that don’t have such a strong association with suicide.
  19. “Hey troubled person - that surgery you are thinking about has a greatly increased suicide risk associated with it. As a moral man/woman, I think you should absolutely do it” -you Some awareness on occasion, please
  20. How do you square your advocacy for elective medical procedures that, for whatever reason, lead to a 12-13 fold increase in suicide attempts with your Catholicism?
  21. https://www.iba.sport/news/statement-made-by-the-international-boxing-association-regarding-athletes-disqualifications-in-world-boxing-championships-2023 On 24 March 2023, IBA disqualified athletes Lin Yu-ting and Imane Khelif from the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships New Delhi 2023. This disqualification was a result of their failure to meet the eligibility criteria for participating in the women’s competition, as set and laid out in the IBA Regulations. This decision, made after a meticulous review, was extremely important and necessary to uphold the level of fairness and utmost integrity of the competition. Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors. The International Boxing Association had a problem with these “ladies”. Are they the baddies here?
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