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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. If anyone on this board knows about race it’s the one guy that uses racial slurs, defends his own use of them, and cheers on others when they start throwing the slurs in his stead. Who you ask? racisthawk is your man.
  2. It’s as if you are saying it’s OK to be 100% wrong so long as you repeat it over and over, mixing in some name-calling and insults along the way. That’s an interesting approach. Probably something that’s commonplace in Lewiston.
  3. This is fun. I haven’t seen anyone so dug in since you threw up all over yourself with the climate charts.
  4. Chigoose has answered this. Several foreign entities took million dollar flyers on a guy with no skills and no ability to keep track of his taxes, guns, computers, and drugs on the off chance he might put in a word with his dad somewhere along the way. What’s so hard to believe about that?
  5. They might not have learned much in the way of fighting skills but I bet they are more inclusive and tolerant than ever before. Glory to Ukraine!
  6. This list is a reflection of the personal insecurities Lewiston natives are known for. James Fenimore Cooper and Rick Dudley are no more from Lewiston than Mark Levin and Donald Trump are. Wait long enough and Joe Biden will claim he grew up or practiced law there if he thinks it will get him somewhere. So you will have that going for you at some point.
  7. Speaks well for neither the educational system nor the water supply in Lewiston.
  8. You seem a touch overwrought for a male* your age. Have you always been this way or is it something the bad orange man and Fox News have done to you? It’s ok if that’s the case. Together they have broken millions of weak-minded people. *I’m not a biologist and with hysteria at your level it’s really not clear
  9. Spoiler alert for those wondering what becomes of billstime 30 years from now. He becomes redhawk.
  10. Not sure if I should laugh (unlikely), smirk, do nothing, or over-analyze. Will wait for Frankish to weigh in before deciding.
  11. I guess it sounds more ominous to say “there are literally states” as opposed to just saying Texas. The Texas bill is dead.
  12. Texas tried and failed. Which of the other 49 states are forcing the 10 Commandments into the classroom?
  13. Only the white ones. You should consider grading your own “comedy”along with grading memes. In this situation you would give yourself an F.
  14. Sadly, I believe they will. He’s younger than the clowns we are used to, he’s telegenic, and he will have most of the media running cover for him. That means he can tell any lie he wants and not get called out on it. I expect him to be the next president. Kill me already.
  15. I know there are millions like him but can you imagine having a politician/reality tv host sucking up so much of your mental energy? Every hour of every day. All my best to those afflicted.
  16. Absolutely agree that is a more than plausible view. The decades of lying cannot be discounted however.
  17. A factor to consider when considering Joe Biden’s motivations is that throughout his public life, going back to his law school bragging and plagiarism issues, there is not a lie that The Big Guy will not tell in service to himself. It’s a big part of who/what he is.
  18. If the leprosy experts suggest wearing a mask, will you?
  19. Is there any precedence for the board mods to combine accounts? It seems like we might all be able to save precious brain cells if there was one account with the handle “Tiberius from Riverside”.
  20. A fascinating thread. It’s on honor to be the only other person to post in it. Thank you for keeping this alive. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  21. I understand that you will never be over Trump but I don’t view life through orange colored lenses the way you do. It is fun to see you try to rationalize the things coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth. Now that’s a tall order! While I can find daily posts of yours where you are talking out your ass you won’t find a single post where I am Trumping in any way, shape or form. I encourage you to look however.
  22. Let’s imagine your guy “misspoke” since you provide that as an option. What do you imagine he meant to say? But Trump….
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