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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The man that brought decorum, and yes, decency back to the White House
  2. A majority of the US loves the murderous Putin and should move to Russia. Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just trying to save Tiberius some typing.
  3. Pretentious rambling ✅. Thank you for never disappointing but please keep in mind that, as Emerson wrote, a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
  4. You make it seem like retirement sucks but if rambling on like an overage billstime to an audience of 12 is your idea of winning, it’s not my place to argue. I hope to have more going on than virtual preening when I get to your age but who’s to say? I know I have put it in a tee for you to carry on pretentiously about how awesome you are. Swing away. Looking forward to more of your “winning”.
  5. Who ever thought someone mostly through the clubhouse turn in life would aspire to behaving like an overwrought sorority girl? You go girl!
  6. redhawk in full drunk schoolgirl mode last night. Never go full drunk schoolgirl.
  7. Our adversaries would certainly have their popcorn ready.
  8. I will do that and thank you for your fine input to this particular thread. If you need my assistance in quashing other’s enjoyment of it as it relates to discussing football, feel free to ask.
  9. There are several topics not directly related to the Bills on page 1 of the message board. It’s common for topics around the league to be discussed. There is a multi page thread about a non-injury. The fact that you find this irritating enough to post your gripe multiple times is actually bringing me some joy. All that said, please let me know which topics you approve of for future reference.
  10. It’s buy!! I know that but felt the need to give credit in these difficult times for newspapers I did You’re most welcome
  11. I can probably get you an email address for the sports department at the Baltimore Sun if you wish to lodge a complaint about their reporting.
  12. The defense was on fire! On their sixth straight day of practice, quarterbacks Lamar Jackson, Tyler Huntley and Josh Johnson had to operate in third-and-long situations during seven-on-seven and 11-on-11 play in Owings Mills. The struggle was even worse than what anyone could’ve predicted. Nine interceptions. Six false starts. One fumbled snap. Jackson threw four interceptions, Johnson threw three, and Huntley, who also dropped a snap from the shotgun, had two. Most of the interceptions looked like they were intended for the defender, too. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-observations-nine-interceptions-training-camp-lamar-jackson-20230805-z6mcn5a5ufhnxlsztvaubltmvq-story.html
  13. You are adept at rationalizing I’ll give you that much. Whether it be green tech or using racial slurs you have it covered.
  14. Sounds really nice! Solar not paying off in your life expectancy seems an interesting line to draw for someone of your means. Especially when it would be for the greater good. Stupid and selfish?
  15. Is it the case that you support green initiatives only if you are to profit or at least break even from them? What about the greater good? That doesn’t sound very progressive. Kind of limousine liberal-ish. But not surprising in the least.
  16. So long as you promise not to pretend you are an expert at reading climate charts while everyone else is too dense to comprehend them. We’ve seen where that leads.
  17. I dislike the modern democrat party intensely and have seen Biden for the blowhard jackass he is for decades. That said, Trump is unhinged and thoroughly unpresidential. He’s brought his troubles on himself. He also cost republicans the senate in the Georgia runoff and f’d us with Oz in Pennsylvania. The dude needs to dry up and blow away. I can’t vote for any of these people. God help us.
  18. Since this board is largely about whataboutism, I will just leave these words from a decidedly non-maga here. It’s as if the words are a threat. I’m sure Schumer would love one of his deranged non-maga minions to take violent action. Scary! For the Senate's Democratic leader to stand on the front steps of the Supreme Court and furiously shout words that sound very much like a threat against two high court justices is unseemly and warrants a full-throated apology. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer roared Wednesday to a crowd of protesters angry over a Louisiana case before the court that threatens abortion rights. "You won't know what hit if you go forward with these awful decisions."
  19. So in summary, Biden has not been successful with any of the above. At least we can look forward to the soft landing you highlighted. Trump is most assuredly behind it all. F that guy. Average price per gallon is up .30 in the last month. Are we still calling it Putin’s price hike?
  20. Also this: Stock up on those test kits everyone and please do your part and stay six feet apart.
  21. If it worked once I’d like to see us bank on that strategy again. Seems rock solid.
  22. "China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man," “I mean, you know, they're not bad folks, folks.” “But guess what, they're not, they're not competition for us." Joseph Robinette Brandon - May 1, 2019
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