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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. “Beckham needs to stfu and dribble” - a certain prolific poster
  2. You have justified your use of demeaning racial slurs and in a new twist seem to be claiming you are doing so on behalf black Americans. A solid day of posting! You must be one of those part-racist people that you believe exist.
  3. I’ve made my opinion on him known. I’m not obsessed with his every utterance the way you are. My job here is to be board hall monitor and call out those making racist comments. Thankfully there’s only one person that keeps me busy.
  4. Only one of us uses racial slurs, imagines that people and groups like the KKK can be only part racist, and then purports to be an anti-racist. It’s not me.
  5. I have mischaracterized nothing. You do have a habit of going back and making edits. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if you tried to clean up your mess. I’m sure some of your ideological board mates will ride to your rescue here.
  6. On the pages of this board, you have now declared that throwing racial slurs at an African-American does not make you a racist, and that the Ku Klux Klan are only part racist because as far as you know, they don’t have anything against Canadians or Norwegians. That’s some territory you are staking out. Good luck with all that. you are the only one on this board that I’ve seen throwing racial slurs. Why is that? Is everyone else missing the boat here?
  7. I’ve never been in a position where I had to defend my use of racist epithets. Is this how you always do it? Seems like you’re trying to blame everyone else for your own prejudices. All good. As you said the last time you were excusing your behavior, it’s just an opinion.
  8. It’s been awhile since you let a racist slur fly. Must have felt good for you. Sick fk.
  9. Pretend for a moment - what do you think these people got in exchange for their millions? Or are you pretending the millions are non-existent?
  10. How exactly does he look like a concerned dad in the money hustling scenario? You actually have to WANT the wool to be pulled over your eyes to imagine this. Your fellow message board lefties…I mean independents…don’t even believe this. This is on a par with one blabbering fool here claiming that “by all accounts, Biden communicates more clearly now than he did as a younger person”. You made more sense with your nazi church claims. “Son, I love you. Go get us millions from foreign entities. Tell them without telling them, that I sent you. Just don’t use my name”. As far as you can tell, or have seen on YouTube, what do you imagine all these foreign players got from Hunter in exchange for their millions? Did the drug-addict loser just sweet talk this money out of these people? Try to answer that simple question without blaming conspiracy theorists. You can do it!
  11. Finally something inarguable. Well done. All else has been crap.
  12. I’m adhering to the Chigoose theory that all these foreign entities approached, with millions, a drug addict that can’t keep track of his computer, taxes, guns, and drugs on the off-chance he might put in a good word with his dad. It happens.
  13. Did you or any of your close relations serve on the OJ jury by any chance? It would explain a lot some 30 years later.
  14. Hey all you moms, wives, sisters and daughters that have put in the work to excel in your chosen endeavors - don’t worry if some dude, pretending to be a woman, steals your opportunities. It’s on you to live and let live.
  15. At first glance it appears there is some smoke and potentially fire here but I don’t want to run off half-baked before hearing from John from Mars. Has he weighed in?
  16. Which of his colleagues pick on gay people? Any specific examples?
  17. I don’t start many threads. Is there an instruction manual available?
  18. I think it’s as simple as some people enjoy discussing conference rivals. Crazy, huh? The thread title is quite specific. What I wonder is why someone would click on it and waste their time typing out “why are we talking about this”.
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