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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. No. There’s no need to diagram your level of dumbassery. It doesn’t take a Tiberius or a John from Riverside to recognize it.
  2. Will do. Recognizing your ability to argue in the “classic method” it shouldn’t take much more than 10 or 15 minutes. 🤦‍♂️🤦 in the meantime, you should reacquaint yourself with the definition of non sequitur
  3. Voice texting is not very good. I think our buddy John suffers from the same malady. I’m going to leave it rather than edit it. It’s that good!
  4. Yes. There are some steaks, particularly a couple large ones in the southern part of our nation that are growing in population. none of your posts argue seriously. Your thing is melodrama, non sequitur, and accusation.
  5. I guess if you want your elementary school-aged children and grandchildren to have access to reading materials that at a minimum cover oral, anal, and jerking off, you’re right. I’m sure there are states that view those materials more favorably for their elementary school students. Hopefully those states allow their citizens to voice their opinions at the ballot box and school board meetings.
  6. They do have a say. That’s what school board elections and open school board and PTA meetings are for. Is your line in the sand for elementary school reading materials set at anal, oral, and jerking off? All appropriate?
  7. You sound as though you are an absolutist on the matter of public school reading materials. Is that right? Because of freedumb?
  8. Balloons don’t just plummet, the gas gets released fairly slowly. Bet there’s something left to look at. Roundy back in the day when he made some sense talking physics. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  9. You made WAY more sense when you were telling us how spy balloons deflated once popped.
  10. Soon you will be an honorary citizen of Riverside. You have the necessary stuff.
  11. https://x.com/reduxxmag/status/1691164884975915011?s=46&t=m9ymghRhnmwx_2PyTkQGCw A trans-identified male set a Canadian women's powerlifting record at a championship in Manitoba yesterday. Anne Andres, who previously mocked female powerlifters, lifted a total of 210lbs more than the strongest female competitor. No one here was entered in the competition so no one should care. There are opioid and health care availability crises to worry about. F these real women that can’t compete with dudes. They need to live and let live.
  12. This is quite spectacular. you - I’m going to whatabout Kushner skynryd - spikes you with prejudice you - thank you for pointing out the stupidity of whataboutism. More winning for you!
  13. Redhawk stepping up big time in the absence of Frankish as meme fact-checker. Thanks to the hawk for winning even more by providing this invaluable service.
  14. https://x.com/cnn/status/1690475767811952641?s=46&t=m9ymghRhnmwx_2PyTkQGCw The typical American household spent $709 more in July than they did two years ago to buy the same goods and services, according to Moody’s Analytics. cnn.it/3s8r5Yz That’s Brandonomics!
  15. In the space of an evening you’ve gone from he was shooting to he had a weapon pointed at them. Where are you getting your information? YouTube again? Seems like you might be making things up.
  16. You are asking WAY too much of J from R. This is not remotely doable.
  17. Can you provide any information at all that confirms your claim he was shooting? If you can’t, why is that?
  18. Something as simple-minded as this required an edit, huh? Shooting from the hip I guess. You believing that a man midway through the back 9 of life behaving like an overwrought schoolgirl is a good thing is all that matters. Living your best life!
  19. And 100% have the emotional drama of an over the top schoolgirl.
  20. 99% of your posts do this very thing. I realize that disingenuousness is your calling card but are you serious with this? This is over the top even for you.
  21. The excitement of demeaning those with belief systems we don’t agree with does occasionally lead to egg on the face. I’m sure you will have another opportunity come along in short order and will bounce back strong.
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